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View character profile for: Cassandra Jones
Posted byPosted: Jul 19, 2013, 4:14pm
Refreshed, Cass decided to explore the village occupied by alternate Seymours group.
The wooden door to her hut creaked open dustily, and she squinted as the bright desert sunlight filled her eyes.
Shielding her eyes, she picked a random direction, and began to walk. It was a dusty road, sand blowing around, couple with the hot sun burning down making Cass feel sticky and uncomfortable within minutes, and after a while, she realised she had no idea where she was. She turned a corner and collided with someone walking in the opposite direction, sending what he was carrying, what looked like botched-together computer components, scattering.
“Puh-please…don’t…hurt me…take what you want!” he stammered
“Why would I hurt you?”
“Just take it and go!” the man continued, cowering away and covering his face with his arms. “I duh-don’t want any trouble!”
“I’m not a smegging mugger!” Cass snapped. “I’m just lost!”
“…are you sure?” the man replied
“Pretty much.”
“So, you won’t hurt me?”
“Of course not…” Cass sighed, getting increasingly frustrated with this whiny excuse for a man.
He lowered his arms, and Cass gasped as she clapped her eyes on his face, and struggled to stifle a laugh.
“Oh my…” said the man, gangly and thin, clad in a white shirt, green knitted tank top and bow tie – even in the hot climate – and thick rimmed glasses, behind which was unmistakably, the (slightly less rugged) face of Jay Chrysler. “It’s you! Narcissa!”
“And….you…Jay….I…it’s good to see you” She smiled widely, he might not be her Jay, but Jay he was and it was good to see him up and about.
“Of course, why wouldn’t it be?”
“Well…our Narcissa didn’t think much of me…”
“Why not?”
“She was never my biggest fan…I don’t think I helped matter when I was the first into an escape pod while the rest of the crew were fighting for their lives…”
“You ran away?”
“You make it sound so terrible…”
“No…just surprising….”
“We can’t all be Seymour…”
“No…we can’t…quite right. Look speaking of whom, can you help me back to him? I’m a bit lost…”
“Shu-sure….” Jay stammered “Ah…are you alone?”
“At the moment yes. But my friends are somewhere, Seymour thinks being held captive by Ra.”
“The-then…you might as well come to terms with the fact you’ll never see them again….”
Definitely not her Jay.