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View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick
Blood for the Sun God (Part 2)
Posted byPosted: Jul 18, 2013, 4:43am
Jamie walked ahead of Hasina, a name that made it easier to think of his alternate in this universe being female. He wondered how much of their history they shared, whether the only difference had been this planet, and the fact that she was a girl. However, she was pretty. She looked stronger than him, better fed, better looked after... She probably spent no time at all on Fernandos. Never mind. Not important right now.
Jamie walked down a corridor, and the stone wall in front of him opened into another corridor, which in turn let them outside.
"You said you would take me to see my friends." came a familar voice from around the side of the building.
"I am." said an unfamilar voice. "Some of them are inside this building, the door is around the corner."
"That's Jade." Jamie said quietly so only Hasina would hear. They waited.
Moments later, Jade and Kepi walked around the corner. Jade looked pale, apart from the blackness under her eyes from tiredness. Overall, it wasn't a good look for her.
"Jamie!" she said, upon seeing him. "Are you ok?"
"I feel better than you look." He said.
Kepi bowed. "Noble craftsman Hasina. It is a pleasure to see you again. Is there anything I can do for you?" She asked, staying bowed a moment too long, as Hasina reached out with her staff, and touched Kepi's head. A split second flash of energy, and Kepi collapsed.
"Get her inside, out of the way." hasina said.
"Who's that?" Jade asked, not recognising the female voice.
"She's with us." Jamie replied, with a grin. "We're getting out of here."
Hasina handed Jade a waterskin as they began to walk. Her blood loss would catch up with her otherwise, and she took it graciously, knowing it herself. They walked unimpeded through the tents towards the exit, everyone assuming that the Jackal-headed soldier was watching over them, or taking them somewhere for more blood-letting. It was an exciting time for all. Everyone was bustling about, making preparations for the ritual that would happen in only a couple of days. This acted to help them leave without being stopped.
Ahead of them, they could see someone riding a camel, with a servant walking along beside it. He didn't look particularly stable, but as they approached, Hasina spoke quietly to them both.
"Stay Quiet. I'll handle this." she said, and stepped in front of them, bowing her jackal-head.
"Noble Chief Craftsman of the Most Honourable and Worthy Sun God Ra. What a pleasant surprise."
Alex, from atop his camel, looked down at the trio. He didn't recognise the jackal-headed soldier (obviously, as her armour was raised) but his eyes lingered on Jade for a moment as he looked at them from his ride.
"uhh..." He began.
<tag. Shorter post, but I wanted to get us to this point.>