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View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick
Blood for the Sun God (Part 1)
Posted byPosted: Jul 18, 2013, 4:23am
So, last time we were with our intrepid adventurers, it looked like they had been captured by a dangerous animal-headed peoples.
It was evident that the Priests here were telepathic. Who knew what other powers they had? That was pretty much all Jade had time to think before she cried out in surprise. Her Docotorly instincts kicking in she lunged forwards towards the second priest as he sunk the knife deep into his arm. Blood began to ooze out and he made an elaborate complicated gesture, twisting his hands in a way that would make a contortionist wince.
She reached the first priest, who knocked her back effortlessly with his staff, a small jolt of power coming from the hardened shaft of wood. The knock shoved her on her back, her head hitting the soft sand with an unpleasant bump that left her with a headache already. As she looked back at her fellow Dwarfers, she could see that they were all sinking down onto the sand, falling into a deep sleep.
She reached out for someone, anyone, as the sleep began to take her too. She wasn't sure who she had touched, but there was still a pulse.
It all went black.
Jamie woke up.
"Unfamiliar ceiling..." he muttered, as he looked up at the stone.
He felt a weird itching on his face, and instinctively reached up to scratch. No Beard? . Someone had shaven him. He checked his hair. Still just as long as it was, though someone had taken the opportunity to clean it, and it had been pulled back into a pony tail.
On his other arm, he could see a small, what looked like plastic tube, connected to a thinner, much redder tube that went underneath whatever bed... table.... he was lying on.
"Ahh, my Lord. You are awake." said a young male voice. Jamie looked around, and saw a pair of kohl-rimmed eyes looking down at him.
"Who are you? Where am I?" jamie asked, common questions for someone who has just woken up in an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar peopl.
"I am Khasekhemre." said the boy. He pronounced it in a way that made Jamie pause, and blink. He fought the urge to say 'bless you' and instead, sat up.
"I am a servant dedicated to making you comfortable, and happy." said the boy again, bowing. "If there is anything you want, ask and I shall do my best to make it happen."
At that point, Jamie's stomach grumbled. Khasekhmemre grinned. "I shall get you some food and drink." he said, bowing and disappearing.
'Well, this could be worse...' he said to himself, and investigated the plastic tubing attached to his arm. Weird how there was no needle attached to it, yet it looked very much like it was blood in the tubing.
A stone door in front of him swooshed open, like the stones of the wall shifted, making all doors virtually invisible. In the doorway stood a large metal person. The armour itself looked rather form fitting, and he could tell from this position that whoever this soldier was, it was a girl.
"Where is your servant?" she asked.
"Getting food..." Jamie replied, looking a little anxious. This soldier was carrying a large staff that gently hummed with power.
"You look a lot like my father." the woman said, and pushed a button on the armour, causing the plates of metal to shift, as the jackal headed armour retracted, to reveal a quite pretty female face.
Jamie screwed his face up. "You look like my mother..." He said. "Are you...?" he began, but she cut him of.
"an alternate of you? It appears so. Come, we have to get you out of here." She said. She really did look like his mother. Her hair was longer than his was, as he had only let his grow due to necessity on Fernandos. Her eye colour was exactly the same, shifting slightly under different lights. Her hair was slightly lighter, probably due to the intense sunlight and heat in the desert.
"Are you the one that did this?" Jamie asked, holding up his arm to show the tubes.
"Yes. I'm sure you know it's not difficult to make a machine look like it's working, without actually doing anything. They want to drain you and your friends of blood for a ritual. When we leave here, call me Hasina." She said, pushing the button to raise her helmet again.
"Ahh. I get it." Jamie said, realising that she was some kind of double agent. He left the tube attached, and grabbed the device from underneath the table to carry with him, to arouse less suspicion.
"I am your guard, if anyone approaches us." 'Hasina' said.
<end of part 1>