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View character profile for: Thomas Plisken
I Keep Forgetting
Posted byPosted: Jun 15, 2013, 9:52am
Plisken sat in his pink room, alone. From the sounds of things people had returned from their fishing trip. His guess would be Jaxx and his... friend? Girlfriend? He didn't know. He could barely make out what they were saying half the time, their words seemingly lost under the 'dudes' and 'babes'. Those other woman made it back probably as well. It was a shame that Plisken hadn't gotten to know them more- he spent far too much time on his own. It had been a while since he had talked to Jacky also. How long had it been? A month maybe? It was not good. Plisken picked up the watch that Garth had given him when he first came out of stasis. Plisken placed the watch back down again, it was bringing up too many thoughts. The silver watch was sat down next to another object that brought up too many thoughts. It had been a good thing that Alex had decided to look for the Time Drive when he did- otherwise he might have found it. Plisken rested his hand on the strangely alien device. Its origin was unknown, at least to Plisken, but its function was clear. Why would such a powerful device be found on a mining ship? And a rust bucket of a mining ship at that. It was just one the universe quirks, he guessed. With this device he could easily make his life so much better- bring his wife and child back, have his rank and ship back. Hell, he could do anything. He would have to be a mad man to not use it.
Plisken returned the Time Drive.
The old man walked down the corridors, alone. He had taken the longer route to make it to the group of people that had disembarked from the ship. He bumped into Alex on his way. Literally, bumped into his as he grumbled about something revoked. By the time Plisken got to the ship, everyone had already left. Plisken laughed to himself. Then stopped. Because he was by himself.