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View character profile for: Dr Jade Black
One Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy Nine
One thousand, two hundred and seventy nine.
One thousand, two hundred and seventy nine, last time, One thousand, two hundred and seventy nine this time. She had counted so many times she wasn't sure that it made a difference any more. After the third time, she was convinced that the counting no longer worked. She wasn't sure at what point it had gone from stress to insomnia, maybe after the recent torture.
"Urgh. Forget it!" She rolled out of her bunk and fumbled into her slippers and dressing gown. Leaving the warm, cosy nest of her duvet made her shiver, and her whole body ached. A hang up from the nanites that was passing. Like sore muscles after a heavy workout, except for several days.
She flicked on the TV, which was showing an old re-run of Ocean Girl. She smiled at the kids TV show, remembering when she used to watch it as a child herself. It was the episode that Neri was teaching Mike how to read.
Something nagged at her brain. A memory that should be connecting to this information.
A few hours later, and the sit-com 'Doctor in the House' a popular late twenty second century comedy about a doctor's home life finished playing. It was the episode titled 'Dysgraphia This'. In the episode the lead character leaves a note for his wife, which is famously misread due to his typical doctors scrawl. Then Jade recalled the images Holly had shown her about Alex scanning the bottles to find the anti-biotics.
The light-bulb went on dimly at first, flickering into a bright incandescent annoyance.
"Damnit! That's why he was acting weird. Of course he can't read my writing, even Dad couldn't!" She did a physical face palm. Hastily she turned on her PC and began typing away:
>Mr Frowny,
I've been an idiot, I should have asked sooner if you could read my writing. Hope this e-mail is easier (no one likes doctor scribble). My original note said this:
"Mr Frowny, sorry I had to go. I didn't want to wake you, saves all the awkwardness as well. Don't forget to take the pills. Eat something, drink a lot of water and you'll be fine. Don't feel too unwell for too long, come get me for a coffee if/when you feel up to it. :)"
Hope that clears things up.
I know Cass has taken away your privileges till you sober up. If you want some company on your last drunken night let me know. I don't drink much, but I think I need to for once after nearly getting killed three times over by Queeg on the space station. Might help me sleep.
Honestly, I believe you can do it. You have it in you to be clean and sober, just, don't let the demons drag you down with them. Let me know if you do need help though?
Blessed Be,
P.S: Did you know that there are one thousand, two hundred and seventy nine paint swirls on the ceiling? Someone was having a creative day...<
She sent the e-mail.
After a few more terrible episodes of some old Sit-com or another, Jade still couldn't sleep. She got dressed and grabbing her bag decided to go for a walk on the promenade.
It couldn't have changed all that much in 3,000,000 years right?