Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
Upon reflection, this is a rather superfluous post.
Jacky was still strapped to the bed. As it turns out, behind held upright somehow voided his claustrophobia, and Chinese water torture was surprisingly dull. He supposed that that fear had been overcome.
Another downside to being held upright on a bed was that it was really difficult to make secure straps. So naturally, Jacky slid, quite slowly, down, and landed on the floor.
"Well Queeg, you sure did screw this whole torture thing up. For me at least." Jacky said. "We should talk more, though. You have good taste in literature."
There was no response.
"Hm." Jacky said. "The others must have been busy."
Jacky took off his goggles. He placed them in his pocket. He'd begun to feel very silly having worn them for so long. He walked casually outside of the room he had been in, and looked about. He saw Jaxx.
"Oh, there's Jaxx." Jacky said to himself. "I should apologize. I was quite rude to him."
As Jacky began walking forward, Cass came into view. He stopped cold.
"Cass?" Jacky asked himself, squinting his eyes to be sure. It was indeed she. "Cass." he said, glumly. He decided to walk forward.
The others didn't notice him coming forward around the time Jaxx was punching Queeg in the head.
Jaxx then whispered to the bleeding Queeg, "That was for Eve babe and the Doc you jerk. If you don't play nice and all, Mrs. Jones will make me do some heinous things to you."
Jacky walked in. The others didn't notice him until he spoke.
"Why yes, I am standing here." he said.
The others tried to respond, but he cut them off to speak to Queeg.
"You did a really poor job of trying to torture me." Jacky said. "But I'm still fairly offended at the effort. You did a really threatening job. I especially like the literary reference. Can you tell me how the story ended, Queeg?"
There was a bit of silence.
"Can you, Queeg?" Jacky asked.
Queeg didn't speak up.
"Shame." Jacky said. "You must not have gotten that far in the story. I'll tell you."
Jacky started to stare off into space.
"At the end of the story... the evil AI gets his torture subjects taken away from him." Jacky said. "Consequently, he himself suffers his own eternity of torture."
Jacky glanced down at Queeg.
"That wouldn't happen to sound... familiar, would it?" he said with a small grin.
"Woah." Jaxx said. "What're ya gonna do to him?"
"Hm?" Jacky said, breaking concentration. "Nothing. I'm a pacifist."
Jacky looked around.
"I'm going to, uh... go for a walk." he said. "I'm afraid I've gone a bit mad."
Jacky began to walk away, stopping only to look at Cass.
"Madam." he said with a glare. He walked very casually away.