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View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
Only one more line to cross
Posted byPosted: Jun 5, 2013, 7:51am
"At the end of the story... the evil AI gets his torture subjects taken away from him." Jacky said. "Consequently, he himself suffers his own eternity of torture."
Jacky glanced down at Queeg.
"That wouldn't happen to sound... familiar, would it?" he said with a small grin.
<here doth the snip end>
Phil, trapped inside his own body with Queeg at the wheel laughed.(To make the following convo easier to follow, lines marked with a P are Phil, and Q = simple even Seymour could handle it)
P: This is working out great. Ok my plums are sore and swollen like watermellons, but you never exeperinced pain before and i can tell you, sitting here and seeing your mental expression is bloody hilarious.
Q: Yes I'm glad you enjoyed it.
P: Heheh oh why's that? You like Jaxx booting you? I'm sure once i'm back in control i can put you into a nice combat bot with pain receptors.. i'm sure then that people would be quing up to give you a gift
Q: Oh sweet Philip..I'll be back..seriously your mind is so open and you been taken over so many times that you might as well install a revolving door.
P: (He started to laugh and giggle...anyone nearby would have seen Queeg laughing for no apprant reason)
Q: Ok Whats so funny now?
P: You have to ask?? HAH...I knew it!
Q: What? Know what?
P: You Don't have total control over me..You are getting weaker
Q:I am not!
P:Yes you this...
Phil concentrated and trying not to fart and soil himself, he called to Jacky
"Oh Jacky..." before Queeg took control again
Q:STOP THAT RIGHT NOW! You are not playing by the rules! Your final test is yet to come Phil..and you know what..i'm going to let you in on a secret..I'll tell you what it is..But for you the rules are different, I wont be fair with you...
P: Bring it on you Internet Explorer Plug-in!
Anyone watching at this point promptly saw Phil stand up, scream a vile word and punch himself in the nuts, then collapse, gibbering.
<<tag anyone>>