Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Katrina Chrysler
Guard Duty
Posted byPosted: Jun 4, 2013, 8:05pm
The Dwarfer’s each hurried to their allotted tasks, Cass rifling through several storage lockers until she found the armload of equipment she needed to control the nanites
“Cass...” Katrina called
“Busy, busy” Cass murmured, scanning Jade and the nanites to begin setting the force-feedback mechanisms up
“No, honestly Cass” Kat snapped urgently “These controls aren’t responding”
“You what?”
A low chuckle emanated from Phil, still curled prostrate on the floor
“There’s one test left for all of you” he began
“Jaxx!” Cass snapped, suddenly standing to point at Phil “Kick him in the balls!”
Jaxx gently lay the wounded doctor on the floor nearby then approached Phil. "You heard the lady bro" ,said Jaxx as he stomped Phil square in the daddy bags which resulted in Phil's eyes to slightly bulge out of his eye sockets temporally. Phil gasped in pain as he lay breathless in a fetal position. Jaxx took the opportunity to bind Phil up with one of his chains to and lay him face first on the deck so he could sit on his back to keep him from making Mrs. Jones mad. As the three women were working franticly on the technical problems Jaxx began to think how he could be more useful.
After a minute Jaxx's eyes lit up as he said, "Hey Queeg dude how about you tell the nice ladies what you did or else." Queeg turned his head slightly in pain as he mutterd, "Or what you cretin?" Jaxx smiled as he hocked up a mouth load of spit onto his pointer fingers and jammed them into Queegs ears as Jaxx said, "Or I do this." Queegs body went into spasms as he we was not only sore in his scrotum, but now he was completely grossed out from Jaxx giving him a double wet willy.
Jaxx pulled his fingers out of Queegs ears and wiped them off on his back as he whispered, "I can totally do this all day bro and I am just like getting started and stuff. You see dude if you just went after me I'd totally be cool with that cause of my past and all. But the moment you hurt the chicas you made a mondo mistake my man. I can totally tie your body in knots should I feel a bit wicked and all. The only reason your alive dude is cause these ladies seems to be forgiving right now. So if you like don't want to be hurting or dead I suggest you be more helpful."
Queeg scoffed at Jaxx which resulted in Jaxx punching Queeg in the back of the head. The blow forced Queeg to impact his face into the decking and busting his nose and lips open. Jaxx then whispered to the bleeding Queeg, "That was for Eve babe and the Doc you jerk. If you don't play nice and all, Mrs. Jones will make me do some heinous things to you."
</tag> OOC Evelina still has a vial of Nanos in her pocket when she remembers.