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View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Garth
That Good Ol' Brimstone
Posted byPosted: Mar 15, 2013, 11:27am
The monsters and beasts poured out of nearby crevice. The group of Dwarfers ran as fast as they could, their only chance against the monsters now gone.
"You mind telling me where you got that piece of crap?" shouted Plisken of the rumble and smash of rock.
"I made it, kind of," shouted Garth back as he drew pulled out a knife and hurled it at a neaby grey.
"KIND OF?!" shouted Plisken.
"Can we save this for latter?" said Jay in a voice that was nearly lost in the noise.
Plisken and Garth grunted in agreement.
"Look," said Cass, "There is light up ahead!"
This statement only seemed to push the maurding band of monsters even harder to catch them. They were like ants swarming after and intruder invaded their colony. But the brave band of adventurers kept going, never faultering. Even Plisken seemed to keep up with everyone, a suprising thing since he was 70ish. Soon the crew broke into the light of the out doors. But they were far from safe for from the mouth of the cave came the beasts.
<OOC- I just wanted to say that A/ Do ask me before you do things like that, I don't particularly like that you just changed my character. Even if it was out with the bounds of the game I would like to have been told so and allowed to fix it myself. B/ I must ask that the device Garth had was around his shoulder and not his wrist- he wears a sleeveless coat and it would have been seen before- not a big thing I just wanted to ask. C/ I don't know who or what Brittany is/was/is going to be.>