Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Garth
Fire and brimstone
From somewhere above them a large hole burst open, sending rocks flying everywhere. Plisken dived on Cass, throwing her away from a large rock that could have killed her. [S]He muttered her dazed thanks but Plisken was already at the mouth of a monster, plunging his sword up into its brain.
"Go!" he shouted as he swung his sword at the belly of a beast. Some of the Dwarfers took flight, some were more hesitent. Plisken shouted again but was cut off by a clawed fist smashing his side. He was sent flying into the tunnel wall and he felt some bones crack and his metal arm was definetly beyond use- not that it had been much use. Plisken dropped to the floor and his sword scattered along the rocks.
“Go!” Jay yelled “Get out of here; I’ll cover the retreat!”
Shaking her head to clear the daze, Cass clumsily pushed herself up to stagger away and follow the rest of the crew as they made their way down the tunnel, towards the still far distant exit
Jay wheeled, notched an arrow and quickly took aim before letting it fly, burying the shaft deep in one of the eyes of the creature that had attacked Plisken, felling it as one of its massive, clawed hands began closing around the man’s neck
Another two of the creatures reared behind it as it fell, angrily bellowing and directing more of the grey skinned humanoids to attack the retreating Dwarfers
Jay’s next shot caught one of the swarm of greys in the throat as Plisken launched himself across the floor towards his sword, grasping the hilt and swinging the blade up and around in a savage arc, disembowelling another of the shrieking, yellow eyed creatures
“There’s too many!” Jay shouted loosing another shot and then swinging the bow like a quarterstaff to smash the lower limb into the face of another grey, spreading its nose in a burst of bone and blue blood “We need to move!”
One of the “demons” roared angrily and caught hold of one of the greys by its neck, to hurl it bodily across the chamber at Jay who wheeled and ducked just in time, the shrieking creature’s cries, cutting short as it impacted hard against wall with an audible crunch of bone
Groaning, Plisken leaped to his feet and swung his sword again, slashing another grey across the face as yet another of the wild haired animals clawed at his face, forcing him to back away down towards the exit
“Chrysler!” hey yelled, darting forward again to impale the grey with his sword and aim another chop at one that was attempting a flanking manoeuvre around Jay "Come on!"
One of the blue “demons” bared its teeth and bellowed in fury before it began wading through the frightened greys, over towards the two men
“Crap” Jay gasped, dodging out of the way of yet another attack “Go!”
The two men made a break for the tunnel towards the exit, Jay turning as he made it into the passageway, to notch another arrow with the intention of firing it at any pursuers, but to his dismay found that the blue demon was almost upon him
Dodging back from what would have been a bone crushing blow from the creature, the arrow slipped in his fingers to ricochet uselessly off the nearby wall, leaving him facing the massive beast, more or less unarmed
His eyes momentarily met those of the creature, he crouching in readiness, as the demon bared its teeth and raised one of it's massive clawed hands to deliver a killing blow that never came, as orange energy suddenly crackled through the air, erupting into flame and destroying half the creature’s head in a wave of heat and violence
“Whoa shit!” Jay cried, leaping back as the monster pitched forwards, near crushing him beneath its weight, to reveal Garth sprinting towards him through the smoke, leaping over the twisted, charred corpses littering the floor as he ran
“Run!” Garth yelled as an inhuman bellow of rage echoed from down the passageway behind him “They’re coming! Run!”
As poorly armed as he was Jay didn’t need telling twice and turned, along with Plisken, to sprint away down the passageway, closely followed by Garth and a horde of angrily shrieking blue and grey demons
Garth skidded to a halt after a moment's running to turn and snap his fingers, unleashing another blast of energy down the tunnel which detonated with a massive backwash of heat and light, that mingled with the screams of the dying creatures
“How the hell are you doing that?” Jay demanded as Garth turned once again to resume his breathless dash along behind the two other men
“Science!” Garth panted, proudly pulling his sleeve back to reveal a metal device of some sort almost entirely enclosing his forearm
“Smegging how!?” Jay snapped as the three of them careened around a corner and out into a wide, dark chamber that was impossible to see across in the limited torchlight “Nothing else works down here!”
“Jay!” Cassandra’s voice echoed across the cavern “This way!”
Another inhuman howl of rage split the air around them as they ran towards her call
“Down this tunnel!” Cass shouted above the din, pointing down one of the several nearby tunnels out of the chamber “It’s this way!”
“What the hell are you still doing here!?” Jay yelled at her “It’s too smegging dangerous”
“I’m not smegging well leaving you!” she snapped back
Garth meanwhile, standing nearby, pulled his sleeve back to adjust a setting on the device on his arm and turned once more to unleash a volley of crackling energy across the chamber, flames lighting the area around them in a hellish light as the orange orbs detonated against the opposite wall, giving Jay his first decent opportunity to observe the device
“Jesus smegging Christ!” he yelled, invoking himself and backing away, his eyes widening with fear at what he saw “Are you smegging mad!?”
“What?” Garth looked quizzically at him, presenting his arm and the device to him “Have you seen one of these before?”
“Cass...” Jay nervously pushed her away behind him “Run”
“What!?” she frowned
“Run!” he bellowed “That’s a Brittany artefact - It’s about to blow!”
“You what!?” Garth coughed
“Get it off you right now!” Jay snapped “Plisken. Cass. Go!”
“How do you...?”
“Just do it!”
Plisken tried to drag Cass away by an elbow, but she shook him off with a scowl, staring instead in fascination as Garth fumbled with the device, the clasps around his arm pinging open one by one to reveal a series of livid red scars beneath, until the device finally slid from his wrist and rattled to the floor as the last clasp clicked open
“Smeg’s sake...” Jay hissed, grabbing Cass by the hand and dragging her away “Let’s go!”
Heedless of the guttural, animal howls of the fast approaching demons, the four of them ran pell-mell away down the tunnel that Cass had previously indicated, making it perhaps a couple hundred metres down the passageway before an almighty explosion rocked the earth around them, knocking them from their feet and collapsing the ceiling of the chamber they had just been in, filling their passageway with a blast of dust and debris
Jay was first to his feet, hauling a coughing and dusty Cass up from the ground
“You okay!?” he demanded, only releasing his hold on her arms when she nodded mutely “Everyone else okay?” he asked looking around the two other men
“Where the hell did you get that damned thing from?” Plisken shouted at Garth “It nearly bloody killed us!”
Garth just coughed and shrugged, pushing himself up to his feet
“We’ll talk about that later” Jay said firmly “C’mon – We don’t know if that collapse killed all those creatures or if there’s another way around for them; we need to get out of these tunnels as soon as we can!”
Okay guys, this was a moderator authorised post to try and get things back in line a little
We don’t have many rules here but superpowers aren’t things we usually allow since this is a sci-fi as oppose to a superhero sim; so please don’t try introducing powers like Garth’s fireball thing, which I had to explain away as a Brittany era artefact that has now been destroyed
Additionally, I suppose I should caution against any temptation you might have to go finding other similar artefacts and bestowing god like powers on your character – artefacts like that are very rare and are always lethal
Thanks for your understanding :)