Characters in this post

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure
Call the cops, I don't give a smeg!
Posted byPosted: Feb 17, 2013, 4:43am
The overgrown hamster turned toward Jay, "Oh, speaking of which - Some of you, besides me, are going to be in the au naturel soon if we don't come up with some way making some replacement clothing. Candy & I saw a Bull like creature whose skins we might use for that, but we'll have to some teamwork to take one of the fiesty buggers down. This Atlatl I made might do the job if we can keep it in range long enough. Got any ideas?"
<<end snip>>
Phil decided at this moment to pop up from behind the bush where he was having a nice kip.
"Yeah I got an idea...we need something that can't move much rather tasty and will not be missed once gone..."
"Oh there you are..ahh..nice caveman look with the vines and leaves...whats your idea?" asked WW, although he had an idea..and something seemed a about Phil..apart from the large bannana leaves he was wearing to cover his modesty.
"Him!" said Phil..pointing at Seymour
"Oh i say..thats not fair!"
Alex look over at Phil. He'd not known him as much as Jay or WW, but there was an edge to his voice that seemed like Phil wasn't joking.
"You serious mate?" he asked
"Bloody..the gits useless to us anyway...he can't move without help..he contributes NOTHING to the ship..he has no skills that we can use as is about as much use to use right now as a paper fire guard.. The only thing i can think of right now that would be an improvement to what a pathetic human being he is now is to use him as bait for the furball here (pointing at WW) plan."
There was a hush around the group. Seymour looked like he was on the edge of tears. What HAD got into this man he was thinking..Only a few hours ago he had saved his life and now Phil was talkiong like this
"Phil..that was uncalled's not his fault his legs.." started Jay
"Oh yes..the 'Noble' Twats legs..I've got a solution for that!"
Phil bent down and picked up two small twigs and threw them in Seymours face
"There ya smegging legs...If anyone needs me..and i bet you cretins will at some point...then I'll be over there, towards those caves (indicating some hills/caves in the far distance)..making some home made alcahol cos i need a drink RIGHT NOW!"
Phil bimbled off towards the cave mubling "..usless twats......" and "pile of sh.." before he was out of range
<<OOC :Just so people are aware..the combination of "gasses" phil was exposed to has removed his compassion/self control..basicaly he doesnt give a flying monkey about anything right now