Characters in this post

View character profile for: Davie Jones (Deceased)

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Efof Yuwan'Kar

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Garr Bedge

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Candice Kane

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Molly Willis
Trouble in Paradise
Posted byPosted: Feb 17, 2013, 10:37am
Alex look over at Phil. He'd not known him as much as Jay or WW, but there was an edge to his voice that seemed like Phil wasn't joking.
"You serious mate?" he asked
"Bloody..the gits useless to us anyway...he can't move without help..he contributes NOTHING to the ship..he has no skills that we can use as is about as much use to use right now as a paper fire guard.. The only thing i can think of right now that would be an improvement to what a pathetic human being he is now is to use him as bait for the furball here (pointing at WW) plan."
There was a hush around the group. Seymour looked like he was on the edge of tears. What HAD got into this man he was thinking..Only a few hours ago he had saved his life and now Phil was talking like this
Jaxx and Davie were slightly amused by the ramblings or Whitewolf, Seymour and Phil as they ate their meal. Davie leaned over to Jaxx and whispered, "Why don't they just use some of the fish or birds we have for bait and make a few snare traps and spike traps?" Jaxx whispered back, "I guess they missed that class." Davie and Jaxx smirked. Davie whispered to Jaxx, "Hey after they are done we can set up a few traps to make it easier to catch some food for later." Jaxx nodded as he chewed some fish. Davie began listening to Phil's rant again and then he looked at Jaxx and then back at Phil. Then Davie whispered, "Hey Jaxx what do you remember when you were exposed to the gas?"
Jaxx thought for a moment then whispered, "Well I went to my lab to unwind a bit, so I ate some food, put up my supplies, uploaded my new games and stripped off my armor. Which is why I am just wear my shorts and this shirt. Then I jumped into my water/stasis tank and put on my VR helmet to play some games. I don't know how long I was in the tank, but then everything in the game started changing to fast and for no reason. It was like someone was messing with my game. I figured it out when Goggles jumped in my game and began telling me to quit my game like he was my CO. Since I ignored him he left the game and pistol whipped me.
So naturally I got mad and chased after the little git. However, by the time I left my lab I ran right into the gas. I didn't know what it was at first since I was too busy trying to smack Goggles. Anyway Goggles managed to hide in a room before I could get to him. At this point I knew something was wrong. My stomach hurt real bad and I couldn't control my anger anymore. I also got some real bad tunnel vision before I blacked out. When I woke up I was under was underwater with the taste of some nasty squid ink in my mouth. While I was down their I found the supplies in a shunken ship and when I was heading back I found you all.
Davie thought quietly for a moment and then whispered to Jaxx, "I could be wrong but I bet Phil was exposed to." Jaxx whispered back, "Well we are different species so the effect may be different." Davie then whispered, "Hopefully the others can figure out how to fix em." Then Davie and Jaxx listened to the rest of the crew ramble on.
"Phil..that was uncalled's not his fault his legs.." started Jay
"Oh yes..the 'Noble' Twats legs..I've got a solution for that!"
Phil bent down and picked up two small twigs and threw them in Seymours face
"There ya smegging legs...If anyone needs me..and i bet you cretins will at some point...then I'll be over there, towards those caves (indicating some hills/caves in the far distance)..making some home made alcahol cos i need a drink RIGHT NOW!"
Phil bimbled off towards the cave mubling "..usless twats......" and "pile of sh.." before he was out of range
<<OOC :Just so people are aware..the combination of "gasses" Phil was exposed to has removed his compassion/self control..basically he doesn't give a flying monkey about anything right now