Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Efof Yuwan'Kar

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Garr Bedge

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
Bit of a Git
Posted byPosted: Feb 12, 2013, 10:17pm
A distressed Alex shook his unresponsive friend, his heavy and apparently lifeless form just flopping limply on the bank.
"Bedge! Bedge!"
“Calm down, it's the EM fields.” Cass told him.
“'Course... shit. Aw, Bedge, mate, I'll fix you. Promise.”
Cass looked down at them. “Not until we get back to the Dwarf, you wont."
"Bloody hell." He double took "What the..?"
His attention was drawn by the scantily clad Jaxx suddenly clambering up, venting at the group, and stomping off towards the trees.
Nobody said anything, just gawped, apart from Phi, who was crying. Efof went and gave her a four armed cuddle, she was too upset to protest.
Alex leaned over and picked up the bottle Phi had taken from him earlier, now forgotten about, and downed the remaining contents.
“This...” he pointed vaguely towards Jaxx's disappearing figure and looked at the others. “I am too drunk for this.” He sighed. "And I'm not ungrateful" he frowned, at no-one in particular. "An' I'm not a git. Am I?" He turned to Efof "Am I a git?"
"You are a bit of a git." Efof told him.
"Fair enough. " He shrugged.
“... Demon woman?” Cass glowered.
“Don't...” Jay warned her.
Max began crying. Katrina jogged him on her hip and murmured comforting words.
Phil swallowed. “Er, that was a bit awkward, wasn't it?”
White Wolf sighed. “Anyone want me to pouch him?”
Jay sighed harder. “No. Leave this to me.”
Katrina grabbed his sleeve. “Jay, don't!”
“I'll go and get him. I'll be fine.”
“He's only something-or-other days old.” Alex threw in, remembering Louie's bar.
“What's your point, Solvay?”
“He's prob'ly a bit confused.”
“I'll sort him out.”
Jacky was peering down the hole he'd pulled Molly from, it was very unusual indeed. He'd never seen anything like it. The light was flickering now. He frowned. It certainly didn't look like a normal stasis field.
He turned to the woman. “Are you sure that you came from a stasis pod?”
She frowned too, somewhat disoriented. “I was in stasis... Back... uh... I can't quite remember.”
“Don't worry, we'll find out exactly what you emerged from.” He turned back to the hole and decided to try an experiment. He picked up a large leafy stick and dropped it into the left hand side of the hole. It disappeared with an unusual “whoopfh!” He blinked and turned to ask if the woman knew what the noise was, when a stick fell from the sky and hit him on the head.
“Oof! What the heck!?” He looked at it. It... was the same stick. He was pretty sure. “Oh my... Smeg.” He breathed. “Did you see that!?”
He tried it with a smaller stick, the same thing happened.
“This is amazing!”
The confused orange haired woman moved closer and leaned on him as if tired. “What are you doing?”
“Trying to work out where you came from.”
He tried dropping another, but down the right hand side of the hole this time. Nothing. No stick fell from the sky. “Dammit.”
He tried one in the middle. Again, nothing.
“Two or maybe three different routes. This is most-”
Suddenly the light shut off with a “BWOOFPHH!”
“Look, the light's gone.” He pointed.
His new friend squinted down the hole.
He dropped another stick, and this time there was the unmistakable sound of wood on stone. No opening. No pod. They looked at each other, astonished. Then Jacky thought for a moment.
“You know... I think I might know what this is.”
The girl rubbed her face, trying to focus her befuddled mind. “What?”
Jacky grinned, excitedly “I think this could be a gateway. A wormhole, or some kind of rift in the space-time continuum.”
“But it's just rock now...”
“Perhaps...” He dropped a stone in... yep... still rock. “... Perhaps the gateway opens and closes at certain times... or in certain situations!”
She looked at him. “Maybe something you did brought me here.”
Jacky frowned in thought. “Yes... I must have de-activated your stasis booth or field, or opened the gateway somehow.” He shrugged “Or maybe it was just lucky timing. It might never open again." He sighed, glum at the thought, then brightened as he realised: "That means you might have to stay with us."
"Yeah, there's a bunch of us. We live on a big mining ship. Where are you from?”
“I told you, I don't know.”
"No I mean before the stasis pod..."
Just then, Jaxx humphed past at speed, closely followed by a tired looking Jay.
“Jaxx, stop!”
“No. You don't apprecia-”
“That is an ORDER, soldier.”
Jaxx stopped dead in his tracks and stood to attention.
"Erm, I say... anyone? Did I hear voices? I don't suppose someone could give me a hand over here, could they? I'm a little stuck." Seymour's voice carried from behind a rocky outcrop near the edge of the woods.
<Seymour is in a crashed escape pod.>