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View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
It's a Smegged up Life
Posted byPosted: Feb 12, 2013, 11:30pm
\"Yeah, there\'s a bunch of us. We live on a big mining ship. Where are you from?”
“I told you, I don\'t know.”
\"No I mean before the stasis pod...\"
Just then, Jaxx humphed past at speed, closely followed by a tired looking Jay.
“Jaxx, stop!”
“No. You don\'t apprecia-”
“That is an ORDER, soldier.”
Jaxx stopped dead in his tracks and stood to attention.
\"Erm, I say... anyone? Did I hear voices? I don\'t suppose someone could give me a hand over here, could they? I\'m a little stuck.\" Seymour\'s voice carried from behind a rocky outcrop near the edge of the woods.
Jaxx slowly turned around and looked at Jay and shook his head as he said, \"Or what? Are you gonna court marshal me for insubordination? Your not even an officer anymore Flyboy and to make things worse your a wanted man according to the Ambassador. So tell me why are you stopping me? Your crew wouldn\'t shed one tear if I took a bullet for you right now. My life has no meaning or purpose what so ever. I have no squad. I have no chain of command. I have no military to serve. I have no friends to protect. All I have is the lab I was created in and a bunch of smeg heads who want me dead. So tell me Flyboy how is pretending to be my CO gonna make everything all better? How are you gonna give my life purpose when you don\'t even know how to fix yours?\" Jaxx stared at the silent Jay waiting for an answer.