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View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Garth
Long Time No See Part 2
Posted byPosted: Feb 12, 2013, 6:34am
Plisken felt the cold steel on Garth's sword on his neck as he woke up. He had been dreaming of his old command, back before he was Plisken. He looked up, meeting Garth's stare. Had he been younger, Plisken might have been scared or suprised but he found it hard to care at the moment.
"I'm suprised your still alive," said Garth, sounded strangly friendly for a man with a sword to someone's throat. Garth hadn't changed in the long years between their last meeting except for one thing. Garth was covered in blue, glowing lines.
"You look... different," said Plisken, chossing his words carefully.
"I could say the same thing of you," laughed Garth. Plisken laughed as well and Garth put down his sword. The two men quieted, not knowing what to say to each other.
"I didn't work," said Plisken quietly.
"I know," said Garth, "I found that out for myself. What I don't know is exactly what happened."
"She was with child," whispered Plisken.
Garth's eyes burned with rage when he heard this. "Did you not even check first?!"
Plisken said nothing, there was nothing to say. Garth drew another sword, this one stained with blood.
"Recognise?" asked Garth, handing it to Plisken.
Plisken took the sword, knowing what was coming next. The sword was the same one. The same one that he had as a commodore. The same one he had that day.
"Guard yourself," said Garth as he swung the sword down. Plisken only just managed to guard against the sword, raising his metal arm to guard. Garth was taken aback as the sword bounced of Plisken's arm. "So, you lost more than your family?"
"I'm not going to fight you, Garth," said Plisken, his eyes burning with eqaul rage, "Nor can I fight you like this."
Garth took a step back and composed himself. "No, I suppose your right."
Garth reached into the pouch on his chest and pulled out a small poacket watch. "Here," he said and tossed to Plisken. Plisken caught it with one hand and flipped open the lid. Inside was still the picture of his wife, he amber eyes captured beautifull in the photo. "I never opened it," said Garth, standing back so he couldn't see what was inside. Plisken closed it shut and took his sword in one hand. On the smooth surface he carved the words: "Never forget".
"It's not like I'm going to forget anyway, is it?" said Plisken, a single tear running down his face and getting caught in his beard.