Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
duuuuh-dun. Duuuuuuuuuuh-Dun. DUH-DUN DUH-DUN DUH-DUN
Posted byPosted: Feb 11, 2013, 6:26pm
\\\"So why didn\\\'t you just tell me?\\\" Katrina asked softly, sat next to Jay on the couch in their shared quarters.
\\\"I didn\\\'t want you to worry...\\\" Jay said \\\"I knew you\\\'d blame yourself.\\\"
\\\"Well, it would never have happened if it weren\\\'t for me...\\\" she looked away. \\\"I\\\'ve treated you so badly...everything you\\\'ve ever done was for me...and...\\\"
\\\"C\\\'mon\\\" Jay said \\\"Cas\\\'ll fix it. And if she doesn\\\'t Phi will. In the meantime, lets just relax and let them do what they need to do...though I never thought I\\\'d say this...but we could REALLY use Doc Keto...\\\"
\\\"Oh my god, you ARE sick.\\\"
It was then that announcement went up to abandon ship.
\"We\'ll finish this later\" Jay barked, getting to his feet and grabbing, and loading a pistol from the shelf. \"Grab max...\"
Katrina dashed through to the bedroom and grabbed the sleeping Max, and the three of ran for the shuttle bay.
“Jay, everything’s dead” Cass announced, looking over her shoulder at him “Watches, ship systems, psi scanners, weapons – Everything!”
“Shit” Jay hissed before raising his voice again “Kitty?”
His only response was a weird, inhuman growl that quickly built into a bellowing crescendo of rage
“What’s that?” Efof asked
Cass comprehended what had happened almost immediately
“The stasis unit’s offline too!” she yelled, fumbling to release herself from her restraints “That’s the smegging MACO!”
<end snip>
\"That...\" Jay murmered \"Is not good.\"
He glanced around for something that he could use as a weapon. The crew, who had been less well prepared for the impact than those in the cockpit, in varying degrees of conciousness were scattered across the cabin, Jay smirked as he bent down and snatched the goggles from the barely awake Jacky\'s head, then snatched a small but heavy looking piece of debris from the deckplate. He looped the goggles around the fingers of his right hand and loading the debris between the eye-pieces, pulled back hard on the elastic and let go. The debris dropped to the floor a few miserable feet from where he stood.
\"Right...\" he said. \"Thats...rubbish.\"
Jaxx was stirring, he got to his feet and sniffed. His shark nose picking up the scent of fresh meat and licking his lips.
\"Smegging hell!\" Jay said \"He\'s worse than Phil walking past a kebab shop on a night out!\"
\"Oi!\" came a small Phil-ish voice from a dark corner somewhere.
\"Jay!\" yelled Cass, and tossed a large piece of broken pipe to Jay.
Jay caught it, and lunged at the shark-man, waving the pipe around like a madman, he swung it hard, and using all his strength pounded the mutant MACO around the side of the head.
Jaxx swung toward Jay, snapping his powerful jaws at the spot where Jay stood seconds before he dived aside, rolling across the deck. Jay stood as Jaxx lumbered around to face him, when Jay spotted something.
Jaxx charged, and Jay waited, until the last minute when he leapt to one side, hitting the emergency release for the Starbug\'s rear cargo door.
The hatch opened, and Jaxx burst through them, out into the waters of the lake, where he quickly vanished from view.
\"He won\'t stay away forever\" Jay said turning back to face Cass. \"We need to find a way to restore him to normal...but first...IS EVERYONE OK?\"
\"Murgh,..\" Katrina groaned groggily, \"Nice landing flyboy...\"
\"Jolly rough touchdown..\" murmured Seymour
\"Burp\" said Phil.
\"Erm..\" Cass said \"We have another problem...\"
\"What?\" Jay asked, suddenly wondering why his feet were wet.
\"We\'re sinking...\"