Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Efof Yuwan'Kar

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
Assume the position
The nameless planet hung like a precious blue and white jewel amidst the vast, inky blackness of space; its continents and the weather systems swirling across its surface, easily discernible at this close range to the occupants of the starbug, as it sped from the stricken Dwarf
On the bridge Jay, Efof and Cass, respectively manning the helm, navigation and science desks, each worked in silence; the rest of the refugees having occupied themselves on the four hour flight as best as they were able; although the manner of their departure had disquieted almost everyone, so there was little in the way of levity in the air
“Well, there’s our home for the next week or so” Efof nodded up at the planet looming large on the monitors on the bridge
“I’m just pissed off that we had to clear out so quickly” Cass grumbled “I had leave the stuff I had already packed to bring away with me”
“Ah, we all had to leave crap behind - It’s just stuff” Jay shrugged “The main thing is that we all made it out and we’re still alive!”
“Yeah, but I had bikini’s and everything” Cass muttered morosely
Pursing his lips, Jay idly wondered if anyone would notice if they nipped back for half an hour, but he eventually dismissed the idea when he realised that this would probably send Cass all the wrong signals
“What ah... What are the planetology sensors telling us?” he asked, changing the subject “What do we have out there?”
"We’ve got a G-three class main sequence star" Cass shrugged "The planet’s the fifth rock from the sun, its hydrosphere estimated at just below sixty percent coverage; polar ice caps are at around point eight percent... And don’t think I didn’t notice you changing the subject!"
“Yeah, you got me there” Jay held his hands up and grinned “What else have we got?”
"There’s a nitrogen, oxygen atmosphere at around a sixty-five, thirty-five mix; no harmful trace elements but at a marginally lower pressure than we're used to - The higher oxygen concentration should more than compensate for that, though"
“I guess there’ll be some big critters down there” Jay grunted “There usually is in high oxygen atmospheres”
"Yeah..." Cass agreed distractedly "Point nine eight gee... You should see this weird looking magnetic field system that’s going on here..."
The ship started rattling around them as it shot through the upper atmosphere on its entry vector
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking” Jay announced over the intercom “We will shortly be landing, so please secure any loose luggage and return to your seats while we make our final approach. Thank you for your cooperation”
"Two major continental landmasses” Cass continued “Cloud coverage at around fifty percent, axial tilt at twenty three degrees - Try and land us in the summer hemisphere eh, Jay?"
"Mean surface temperature’s a sticky but tolerable twenty eight degrees... Oh, and a local day comes in at just under twenty-six hours long"
"Shit!" Jay hissed, his hands suddenly moving rapidly across the controls
“What!?” Cass snapped, as the rattling around them suddenly increased dramatically in volume and intensity, the instruments suddenly red-lining across the board "What the smeg!?"
"We're losing thrust!" Jay yelled, rapidly shifting the remaining power around to try and compensate for the stuttering engines, and battling to maintain control of the craft as it hurtled down through the atmosphere
“I’m not happy about this” Efof warned, his four hands moving expertly over the navigation controls, selecting and designating the best landing targets for Jay to try and aim for
"It's those smegging EM fields!" Cass shouted, frantically stabbing at the science desks controls as the ship screamed down to emerge beneath the cloud layer "They're frying..."
The engines and electrics all suddenly died, plunging the interior of the ship into gloom as it continued ever downwards in a barely controlled descent
“Brace for impact!” Jay yelled, fumbling to tighten the restraining straps on his seat and hoping everyone else aboard could hear him
Her eyes wide with fear, Cass took in the alien landscape outside, streaking up to meet them
"We're so dead" she breathed, her words lost amidst the roar of the ship around them
"Brace! Brace! Brace!" Jay suddenly yelled as the starbug smashed through a thicket of trees to splash down into a wide lake and plough right the way across it, flipping violently to eventually come to a bone jarring halt, listing at a steep angle, in the murky shallows on the other side
Unclipping his restraints, Jay slipped awkwardly out of his seat as soon as the ship had come to a halt
"Is everyone alright?" he asked to general groans assent from the occupants of the bridge “Cass see if you can raise Holly and get us a rescue shuttle and medical supplies sent down here stat, Efof you’re with me!”
Awkwardly picking his way astern across the sloping floor, he hauled the bridge door open and peered out into the darkened room beyond
"Kitty!?" he yelled "Max!?"
“Jay, everything’s dead” Cass announced, looking over her shoulder at him “Watches, ship systems, psi scanners, weapons – Everything!”
“Shit” Jay hissed before raising his voice again “Kitty?”
His only response was a weird, inhuman growl that quickly built into a bellowing crescendo of rage
“What’s that?” Efof asked
Cass comprehended what had happened almost immediately
“The stasis unit’s offline too!” she yelled, fumbling to release herself from her restraints “That’s the smegging MACO!”
Problem one: We’re all locked in a small ship with a hungry, mutated MACO – What’s the best thing to do about that?
Problem two: Every single piece of electrical equipment that we have, from the starbug’s systems to Jaxx’s nanites are all completely and utterly dead, so assuming anyone survives Jaxx’s murderous feeding frenzy, what do we do next?
<ooc> This was all done with strict moderator approval, so don’t try this sort of thing at home kids! ;)</ooc>