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View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler
Rubber Ducky, joy of joys... [FIXED]
\"Erm..\" Cass said \"We have another problem...\"
\"What?\" Jay asked, suddenly wondering why his feet were wet.
\"We\'re sinking...\"
"Quick! Open the emergency hatch!" Jay yelled.
The crew all ran to the back of the ship, opening a large floor hatch. At the top was a large Insta-Inflate (tm) Rubber Raft.
\"Yes!\" Cass yelled, lifting it up. She inspected it closer. \"\'Capacity: 3.\' Are there any more rafts?\"
\"Nope.\" Jay said.
Jay lifted up a small inflatable tube with a ducky head at the front. This was one of many.
\"You\'ve got... to be smegging me.\" Jacky said.