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View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Garth
Long Time No See Part 1
Posted byPosted: Feb 11, 2013, 9:11am
Garth woke with a start. He narrowly missed hitting his head on the door frame of the stasis pod as he jumped from the long sleep. The science lab were he woke was just as he had left it. He padded his chest, making sure all his possessions were in the correct place. He placed his hand on a pouch near the top of his chest. The round object still was in its place. Good, everything was in order. But where was everyone else? The science lab was rather deserted, when Garth had left it had been a bustling centre of work. Then a sudden dread filled him. He would have to call on the demented computer that was Holly. Garth would rather not know than have to talk to the AI that would let forget to tell you that an enemy fleet had passed within engagemant distance and was out to destroy the ship. No- Garth would just find out himself.
Plisken wandered about the drive room, scratching his beard as he did so. Where had everyone gone? He had only sat down for a couple of minutes to rest, he had even told Phi to tell the others. Was it because they now saw him as a monster? An evil do-er? Did Plisken care? No. He shook his head and sat down on the captain's chair, sighing from relief as he did so. This brought back memories. He snuggled into the chair and fell asleep- dreaming of his glory days as a captain.
Garth walked up to the drive room door, suprised that not a single soul had been found. He pressed the open button and the drive room door slid open. He took a steep in and then stopped. In the captain's chair was an old man sleeping- mutterig something about 'fire the broadsides, Miss. Smith' and 'full speed ahead Miss. Beckett!". Garth walked round to the front of the chair to see who the old man was. He was a strange looking man- an olive jumpsuite and a blue-grey greatcoat with a brown hat. He had a long grey beard but underneath it was a man he knew well. Garth drew his sword, something that he often carried, and poitined it at the old man's neck, "Hello, Plisken."