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View character profile for: Seymour Niples
Let the end credits roll
Posted byPosted: Feb 5, 2013, 3:58am
"Perhaps you would like to spend some time under guard to teach you a lesson about lying to your betters!"
Some soldiers came on Custer's signal and tied ropes around the groups hands. After been pulled away, Alex trying to fight back, the four 'scouts' were thrown into a tent guarded by several men armed with Trapdoor Carbines.
"Custer has delayed the attack by half an hour, you will be let out then," called one of the guards.
<end snip>
General Custer marched into his command tent, throwing his rifle down onto a hessian sack of supplies. “Darn this new development, we'll have to revise the battle plans, there's some folk around who might be gorram spies! Oh... who're you?”
Seymour was sat at the wooden command table pouring a second pewter mug of wine and pushed to towards him.
“Hello there General sir, I thought you wouldn't mind some wine with me.” Seymour sipped from the mug then pulled a face. “Eugh, this is not the best I've jolly well tasted.”
“I prefer whiskey.” Custer said marching over, his boot spurs jangling. “Who are you, what yer doin' here?”
“Ambassador Niples” Seymoru said, extending a hand. “Forgive me for not getting up.”
Custer eyes him suspiciously, then turned calling for a guard.
“You know this really is a poor setup. When the English go to war we bring our best silverware and...” he pointed to the mug, “...proper crystal.”
“Git outta my tent! I've got a battle to run here!” Custer said, whipping the pistol out of his holster and pressing it fiercely against Seymour's head. “Are ya some sorta British spy? I thought we told ya to get outta our country?”
“Ahh, well you see there is some horrible mix up Mr Custer.” Said Seymour. “I don't want to be here any more than you do, I came to you for some help and now I can see what is really going on here.”
Custer raised an eyebrow.
“You see, this is a simulation or some sorts. Can't you feel that?”
“Feel whut?” Custer looked around, still pressing the Smith & Wesson pistol to Seymour's head.
“That odd feeling we're being watched.” Seymour said simply.
“By tha' enemy?”
“No, by millions of aliens. There are probably hidden cameras all over this delightful tent of yours. Just look around.”
“I'm not fallin' for that trick mista!” Custer replied.
“You see, recently we've had an experience with some time travellers, and at first I thought we'd actually travelled back to 1876. It's jolly well bizarre that it would be so easy to accept that as a fact after our recent adventures. But you see, I know this isn't reality because you're holding a smith & wesson pistol.”
Custer looked down at the pistol he was holding at Seymour's head. “And?”
“You see I'm an aficionado of history, and it's common belief that Custer had a Smith & Wesson with pearl grips. Whereas actually there's more chance he had a Royal Irish Constabulary revolver, built in Birmingham, England.”
“Oh” Said Custer, and lowered his weapon.
A second later, a white light and static burned Seymour's eyes and the command test disappeared. Leaving him in a strange room with Phi, Phil, Alex and Plisken.
A thin humanoid creature wearing a T-shirt saying “The great and daring challenge show” stepped over whilst they were all still disorientated, and pointed a finger at Seymour.
“You had to ruin it didn't you? We were getting really good ratings until you spoiled the fun. That story the old man with the beard told was fantastically gory, just what our viewers wanted!”
“Sorry... I don't unders-” Seymour said, “Who are you?”
“I'm producer Hachdee from the Teevo Federation. We make TV shows. One of your men even killed our reality TV star, Lord Hunter.”
“Well you jolly well shouldn't have invited here without asking then!” Said Seymour. He started looking around at the walls nested with LED lights and holographic projectors. “Is this a Spacecorp virtual reality training suite?”
“The station was abandoned when we found it. It's ours now.” Said Producer Hachdee. “We broadcast across the galaxy.”
“Across the galaxy you say?” Seymour said. “I thought we were the only Humans left.”
“What are Humans?”
“Oh never mind.” Seymour said, waving to the others, “Let us depart, cheerio.”
<OOC – So everyone who was in the simulation will now be on the spacecorps station. We need to find the medicine to cure our long unmentioned erections, then lets get back to the ship!>