Characters in this post

View character profile for: Davie Jones (Deceased)

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
Fort Not Part 2
Posted byPosted: Feb 5, 2013, 6:55am
Davie said, “You load the ship and I will pick up some more weapons and ammo.” Jaxx nodded and went on down the empty hallways. Eventually Jaxx ended up at the hanger and opened the ship and began loading the supplies into the ship. Jaxx used his watch to call Holly, “Yo Holly is the ship ready yet?” Holly came on and said, “Yes Jaxx it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. Someone seemed to turn off all the security on the ship.” Jaxx was puzzled by this and said, “Tell Jay and Davie what’s going on while I load the ship.” Holly answered, “You got it bub.” Jaxx continued to load the ship and then proceeded to check the ships systems and weapons.
Jaxx was just finishing loading the supplies on the ship when Davie showed up with a pallet skid full of weapons and ammo. Davie muttered, "A bit help please." Jaxx quickly rushed out and aided Davie with the skid. Davie was catching his breath as he muttered, "Damn that thing is heavier than it looks." Jaxx laughed as he moved the skid with ease. Jaxx responded, "Maybe you need to do a few more push ups bro." Davie said, "Not all of us were born with 300 ibs of musscle." Jaxx laughed as he began loading the ship. Davie caught his breath and looked around.
Davie said, "I got a wierd message from Holly that the defenses are down. That makes me a bit nervous. I am seriously hoping that this is Cassandra's work and not some kinda trap. Of course with her it is not much of a difference." Jaxx asked, "What are you talking about bro? Miss Jones was actually nice to me before." Davie looked at Jaxx, "What? When? Last time I saw her she was looking at you like a rabid pet." Jaxx answered, "I found that a bit odd myself. But she warmed up when she found out I had a working lab. Maybe she was just buttering me up." Davie shrugged and said, "There is no telling with that woman." Jaxx kept loading the ship with the weapons as Davie rested up a bit and kept an eye on the hanger for trouble or Jay.
Davie asked, "Have you heard from Jay yet." Jaxx answered, "No I was hoping he would have found his supplies by now. I really don't want to be sitting here when the security comes back on." Davies agreed as he said, "You and me both man." Davie looked at the hard working Jaxx and said, "You know Jaxx, as a soldier your a good man. You just need to work on your people skills.....and your eating habits." Jaxx smiled as he said, "I'll working on that." Jaxx finished loading the ship and looked at Davie as he said, "All loaded and ready to go." Davie nervously waited before saying, "Oh smeg he probably passed out again. Lets go get him and get out of here quick." Davie and Jaxx grabbed a dufflebag with some ammo, some better assult rifles and pistols and headed out to find the lab where they left Jay at.