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View character profile for: Thomas Plisken
Things We Should Not Forget
Posted byPosted: Feb 4, 2013, 11:42am
<Plisken's Story Told From Plisken's Perspective>
There she was. Kate was in front of me- dead. Her death had torn everything that I had of a family away from me. We had been trying to have a baby before she died. What she died of was still a mystery to me and every doctor that had examined her. But she was perfectly preserved; 5 years in Stasis hadn’t changed her one bit. Even her hair was still amazing. The only thing different was her amber eyes. They had once smouldered with life but now they were dull, cold gems that only glinted occasionally under the light off the operating table bulb. I can remember how I would just hold her hair after she had died, as I wept for her. Duncan was beside me, dressed in surgeon’s garb and ready to start the process. He had been my best friend since childhood. We grew up in a small village together. There were only three children there, Duncan, Kate and I. We would play under the orchard trees while the sun was high in the blue sky, the birds singing sweetly. But now she was dead. Duncan had warned me against this idea, saying that it was a ‘crazed madman’s dream’. That had not deterred me. For five years I shifted through the old books and data sheet: learning everything about Human Resurrection. In those five years I was lost to the outside world, never taking visitors except from professors on the subject and Duncan, but only when he had any information. I lost my ship, my crew, my wealth. I was soon left living on Duncan’s couch, spending almost every waking minute in the Central Library on Earth. Years of research had led me to the operation which I knew was going to bring my wife back to life. Duncan rested his hand on my shoulder. He muttered something about forgetting her and moving on. I can’t quite remember what it was but I refused to follow his guidance anyway. I watched him as he sat down at the terminal to operate the machine. I had gathered the necessary ‘ingredients’ yesterday: 20 litres of human blood- equal measures of each type; 5 kilograms of carbon; 3 litres of ammonium; 5 grams of anti-matter; 2 drops of warp drive residue; 30,000 volts; and something cut fresh from a human. That was all that would jump start a human body. We prepared everything correctly, making sure to even use instruments made of the same material as in the book. Then it was time. Duncan moved the machine into place. It was a horrific looking device: a disc armed with an assortment of saws, syringes, blades and lasers, all suspended by a mechanical arm from the ceiling. I took out my sword. It had been bequeathed to me by the Admiral of the Space Corps on my promotion to Commodore. It was a fine blade, beautiful metal. Something that no-one easily forgot. It was perfectly balanced as I raised it high and outstretched my right hand. Extending my index finger, I brought the blade down on it, the sound of crushing bone filling my ears. Blood spurted up to my face, narrowly missing my eye. I bit back the pain. The digit fell into the arcane instrument that was placed on Kate’s chest, burrowing down to her heart. As soon as that was done, Duncan pushed up the lever, the generators quickly generating the electricity. A Tesla Coil descended from the machine overhead and let out a bolt of lightning into Kate. The body jolted furiously, shaking and quivering as the ingredients whirled into a maelstrom. In a flash of vile green light, I was blown back into the wall with such a force that the wall caved in under the strength and I continued to the room opposite. As the light faded, I picked myself up, and climbed back into the room, clutching my hand. The room looked as if a bomb had struck: blackened walls and broken machinery are what remained of the once clean operating room. On the floor was Kate, writhing in the blanket I had covered her with. She was screaming in pain and as she turned to look at me, I saw her face. Blood gushed from her eyes, nose, ears and mouth. What had I done?
“We need… more HUMAN!” she screamed through the blood the poured from her mouth.
“Take anything!” I shouted over her agonised screams, not thinking clearly. With out any other word she leapt from the floor, filled with a sudden sense of purpose. Her naked body landed on Duncan, who had tried to make himself as small as possible in a corner. He cried out in agonized torture as Kate plunged her hand into his chest, straight for his heart. With one swift yank, the arteries and veins attached to the organ snapped and it was prised from the chest, snapping ribs as Kate did so. Duncan looked down at what was left of his chest, the last sight he saw with his dying eyes was Kate shoving his heart down her throat. I cried out Duncan’s name. Kate whipped her head around, the blood now coming from wounds were the skin had split. Her amber eyes burned furiously behind the blood that cascaded down her face. Her brown hair was now stained crimson and her body was ruined with wounds that spilled blood all over. She looked at me, as if waiting for a command or recognition.
“What are you?” I whispered.
“We need more human…” she whispered, mimicking my voice.
“Is a heart not enough for you?! “ I yelled, feeling anger well up inside me.
“We need some for the young one,” she yelled back, her hand covering her stomach protectively.
“What…?” I managed as I realised what she meant. The young one…was our unborn baby. Kate shrieked as she pounced on me, some unknown strength pinning me to the ground. Her teeth gripped onto my arm as I fought to remove her from me. But she succeeded in her goal and she fell back as my arm was ripped from its socket. Blood poured to the floor, adding to the sea that was already forming. I nearly passed out from the pain and blood loss but I wadded though my swimming mind and fought for clarity. I staggered as I stood up. I took a few steps toward Kate, who was lying on the ground peacefully. After those few steps I tripped over my own feet and fell, blood splashing up and soaking me even more. I crawled the rest of the way, my face covered with blood splashed up from the floor. As I reached Kate I could see that the she had stopped bleeding and her wounds had mended. I touched her face and her eyes flickered open. My heart ached as I saw her amber eyes properly in five years. They had returned with their usual spark and life. She smiled as her focused on me. I bent down and kissed her, over whelmed that she was alive.
When I moved back up she opened her mouth to speak, she whisper my name- my real name.
“Yes,” I responded crying with joy.
“Kill me…” she said. My tears stopped and I stared at her, our eyes locking.
“Kill…ME…” she said angrily, her smile replaced with hate. Her body convulsed and… and her eyes exploded, showering the room in blood. She screamed in pain as more blood exploded from her belly, her womb filled with blood. She writhed in pain, her very soul being tortured. He pushed me back, my hand landing on the hilt of my sword. I picked up the blade and stood up, using a table for support. I walked over as quickly as I could. I took one look at her agonised face and plunged the sword into her heart. Her body convulsed once and failed. I took out the sword and stabbed her womb, killing the unborn child. I collapsed after that, the last sound I heard being the booted feet of the Space Marines rushing to the scene.
<Tag Phi, Phil or Alex - You can go for the battle if you want>