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View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Efof Yuwan'Kar

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Garr Bedge

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Nathan Steele

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
The Great.......Entrance?
Posted byPosted: Jan 26, 2013, 11:50am
Back in the canteen Bedge was handing out cups of tea, one of which Alex gratefully accepted. He steadily imbibed its warm goodness as he listened to the plans for the holographic inspector and how they had to get the ship and crew in tip top condition. It was no skin off his nose, he was accustomed to taking orders and wearing uniform and knew he'd easily slip back into the habit. In fact he welcomed the thought of regulations and structure, it was comfortable. There was no smegging way he was cutting his hair though. He knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that Seymour would try and make him cut it. Not a snowball's chance in hell.
Just then, Niples screamed in horror, the shark guy had eaten his GELFriend.
“Holy shit...”
“Absolutely.” Seymour said. “We can make an inspector believe we're upstanding military personnel. All we need to do is give the place a clean, put some uniforms on, tuck our shirts in, and be on our best behaviour.” It sounded so easy, until Seymour looked at Jaxx, who was tucking into a pork chop for breakfast.
“What's that you're eating?” Seymour asked.
“I think it's the one you called 'Shelly'.” He said.
“Nooooooooooooo!” Seymour screamed.
Jaxx laughed out loud at Seymour and then said, "That was to funny man. Just kidding….(laughing)… man it is from a Huzzard I found this mourning.“
Seymour said, , “I find your humor appalling Mr. Jaxx. Your attitude and demeanor are as bad as an American Marine and I ………(pause)……l…..uh never mind.” Seymour got dizzy again from the stress and rubbed his head again.
Jaxx calmed down and said, “Anyhow I got up early this morning and did my routine work out of a 1000 push ups, a 1000 sit ups and a 25 mile run through the decks. I noticed a lot of damage along the way and a few rooms that had supplies we may need later. I gave the locations to Holly by the way. Anyhow along the way those lizard things you guys call Huzzards were constantly trying to ambush me so I made my self a little lunchbox for later. ”
Then Jaxx reached under the table and pulled up a large duffle bag full of dead Huzzards. Jaxx looked at Bedge and said, “Hey Chef Bedge could you be a sport and put these in the freezer for later. Bedge shook his head as he drug the duffle bag away to the kitchen and mumbled about lowly humans. Then Jaxx continued, “I figure I can stretch out your rations if I eat them instead. Besides they are not that bad with a little BBQ sauce. So don’t worry about the GELFs I won’t eat them, unless they try to attack you again. Miss Cassandra and Doc Phi have been kind enough to teach me a few manners."
Phi and Cassandra hid their smirks while the males were slightly coherent.
Jaxx looked around and smiled as he said, “Your plan has a lot of flaws it from the beginning. Given the current crew and resources, there is no way this ship can be cleaned in the next ten years much less a week. Not to mention all the Non-JMC life forms you would have to space or hide from an inspector who can walk through walls. The way I see it you would be better off using a smaller transport with official Corp. members and representatives. You can request an inspection of the transport and fill out the forms for emergency supplies. Then leave back to the Dwarf with little or no combat. Now the question still remains who are your best representatives to send Mr. Seymour?”
Jaxx looked at Seymour as he continued to eat his breakfast.
Seymour pondered Jaxx's suggestion as he rubbed his temples to ease the stress on his body.