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View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Efof Yuwan'Kar

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Garr Bedge

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Nathan Steele

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
The Naked Truth
Posted byPosted: Jan 25, 2013, 6:44am
Jaxx picked up his gear and headed out the door past the few remaining patients. Jaxx closed his eyes and took a big whiff and smiled as he began following Cassandra's scent. Jaxx continued down the path to catch up with Cassandra as messed with his music library on his belt. Suddenly he found a song he liked. Then Jaxx danced down the hall on his way to find Cassandra.
(PETER GABRIEL"Shock The Monkey")
Shock the monkey to life
Shock the monkey to life
Cover me when I run
Cover me through the fire
Something knocked me out' the trees
Now I'm on my knees
Cover me, darling please
Monkey, monkey, monkey
Don't you know when you're going to shock the monkey
Jaxx eventually made his way to Cassandras opened but darkened quarters. Jaxx took a moment to evaluate the area and he noticed her moving shadow. He could see a dim light from her computer screen as she was typing something. Jaxx used his shark sense to see the hidden robots she had posted for an ambush. Jaxx smiled as he thought to himself, “She is a smart little thing. I like her even more than before. I think I will give her access to my lab if she can behave herself. Hee Hee.” Then Jaxx loudly announced his presence so Cassandra could hear him, “Miss Jones! I am hear as you requested.” There was a pause for a moment till Cassandra came to the door. “Not bad you avoided detection from my alarms. Now get in here and take off your clothes”, said Cassandra as she reentered her room.
Jaxx looked at her oddly and then shrugged as he entered the room past her robots and said, “Ok Ma’am but I just got an exam from the Doc.” Cassandra turned on a few lights and picked up a scanner as Jaxx removed his armor and under clothing. “Stand over there in the light, “said Cassandra. Jaxx nodded as he stood naked in the light. Cassandra looked over his large muscular body and saw he had retractable fins in his forearms, calves and spine. Then she saw the gills on his neck, the retractable claws on his webbed fingers and toes and then his metal belly button. Cassandra slightly caught sight of Jaxx’s rather large man hood, but turned her focus on his belly button. “I take it this is how your nanos enter your body? “asked Cassandra. Jaxx smiled and answered, “Yes Ma’am. The ones in my armor can go back and forth through that port.” “Interesting design. I noticed your huge……...” Cassandra took a slight glance below Jaxx’s belly button again. Then said, “….um appetite. What happens if you go without eating too long?”
Jaxx thought for a second as he looked down at Cassandra still scanning his belly button with an odd device. Jaxx answered, “Well I am a bit embarrassed to say but according to my preliminary VI education MACOs that do not feed at least once in a 24 hour period will revert to a frenzy mode till they are full or rendered unconscious. It is obvious when our eyes turn completely black we become mere killing machines ma’am.” Cassandra paused and looked up at Jaxx with a note of concern as she said, “I was afraid you were gonna say that.” Jaxx looked at Cassandra and said, “Well should we run low or out of food your best bet would be to put me back in stasis till I am needed again ma’am.” Cassandra stood up and switched scanners and looked at Jaxx with concern as she said, “We may have to explore that option.” Then Cassandra went back to work as she extracted a few nanos from Jaxx and continued to examine them.
Cassandra took the nanos to a machine that allowed her to see them on her vid screen. Jaxx looked at the screen and said, “So that’s what they look like.” Cassandra still focused on her screen answered, “Yes they are quite remarkable in design. I wish I could see the original plans for them. That information could be quite useful.” Jaxx smiled and said, “Holly give Miss Cassandra access to my lab. Anyone without my permission is subject to the military defenses inside.” Holly answered from the watch, “Dully noted.” Cassandra turned to look at the naked Jaxx with a look of surprise as she said, “Uh……thanks.” Jaxx smiled as he said, “Only you and the Doc have access to my lab. I don’t want the others in there, especially the hologram. I think he has brain damage.” Cassandra gave a small laugh, “Your smarter than I gave you credit for.” “Thanks”, answered Jaxx smiling.
Cassandra spent the next few hours studying Jaxx’s design before sending him away.
There was silence as they both tried not to look at each other in the bathroom.
“Um... Mr Solvay, could you do one more thing?”
“Em... okay.”
“Could you turn the shower on? I can't reach.”
Alex leaned forward, pressing his body against Seymour's head, the protruding point of his man-tent poking Seymour in the face.
Water splashed down onto both of them, drenching them but doing nothing to quell the glowing erections.
Alex stepped out of the water, and looked back at Seymour who looked as embarrassed as he did. Neither of them spoke as he left the room, until Seymour called out. “Thanks Mr Solvay. And... let's never speak of this again.”
When: Next morning
Where: Canteen
Seymour pushed himself into the canteen where the others were already sat around a table. Bedge was wearing a frilly pink apron and serving up some food.
The first thing Seymour noticed was the sleepiness of the other men, who were staring unintelligibly ahead at the plates in front of them. A glow still coming from the lap of each of them. At the far end of the table, a perky and happy looking Katrina and Cass were chatting away quite normally. Phi noticed Seymour enter and walked over.
“How are you feeling today?” She asked, bending down at first, then realising she was blinded by the glow emanating from his trousers.
“Probably on par with this lot.” Seymour admitted. “Why hasn't it gone away?” He pointed to his 'problem'.
Phi gave him a sympathetic smile. “I don't want to alarm you, but priapism is a serious medical problem.”
“You mean I could die?” said Seymour. “From an erection?”
She nodded. “You all could. But it's easily cured with a medicine called Pseudoephedrine.”
“Jolly good. Do we have any?”
Phi shook her head. “Remember Dr Keto escaped in the main medi-bay? He took most of the medicine supplies with him.”
“Blast!” Seymour said, putting his hand to his forehead as he felt woozy. He then turned his head to Holly, who was idle on a computer monitor on the wall. “Mr Holly, I don't suppose there's any derelicts nearby with a supply of Pseudoephedrine?”
Holly checked, and came back a few minutes later with a wireframe scan of a derelict Spacecorp military space station in a nearby solar system.
“There's some here dudes.” said Holly “But the station's protected by a level 42 security clearance, something we don't have.”
“Damn and blast it.” Said Seymour.
“That's not a problem, we can just blast our way in? Who's to stop us?” Said Jay from further down the table. Many of the men jeered sleepily, and tried to stand up, almost feinting from lack of blood to the head. They slumped back down in their chairs.
Seymour shook his head. “SpaceCorp space stations are armed to the teeth with external turrets, we won't be able to get near it before we're torn to shreds. Even after 3 million years the batteries will still be at least half full.”
“So what do we do?”
Seymour thought for a moment, massaging his head to try and get at least some of the blood away from his crotch and back into his brain. “We could jolly well trick them into thinking we're an undercover military vessel.. Spacecorp military have holographic security 'inspectors' that come aboard and assess the ship. If we pass, we'll be recognised as friendly.”
“Invite them here?” Phi said, looking around at not only the messy canteen, but the ramshackle crew with filthy clothes, barely a hint of uniform, and glowing erections.
“Absolutely.” Seymour said. “We can make an inspector believe we're upstanding military personnel. All we need to do is give the place a clean, put some uniforms on, tuck our shirts in, and be on our best behaviour.” It sounded so easy, until Seymour looked at Jaxx, who was tucking into a pork chop for breakfast.
“What's that you're eating?” Seymour asked.
“I think it's the one you called 'Shelly'.” He said.
“Nooooooooooooo!” Seymour screamed.
Jaxx laughed at Seymour and then said, "That was to funny. Just kidding man it is from a Huzzard I found this mourning."
<OOC – Time to smarten up and make the holographic 'inspector' think we're upstanding citizens, running the ship with military efficiency. Which means we've probably got to hide Jaxx. Nothing can go wrong!>
<OOC - LOL yeah cause White Wolf and Efof will look normal in JMC regs.>