Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Efof Yuwan'Kar

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Garr Bedge

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Nathan Steele

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
Check up from the neck up
Posted byPosted: Jan 24, 2013, 6:55pm
"So, Jaxx..." began Cass "a regular superman, eh?"
"Well, I don't mean to brag, but-" Jaxx began
"Then don't." Cass silenced him. "When you're checked out by Phi, you're coming with me."
"How do you think you're going to make me?" Jaxx asked.
Jay and Katrina winced.
White Wolf gagged, spitting out a copy of The Fellowship of the Ring.
<end snip>
Jaxx looked down at Cassandra with a slight grin as she stared him down for a few awkward minutes. The rest of the crew felt a bit nervous as they waited for the tension to break. Then Jaxx laughed out loud for a minute and said, “You got brass little lady. I like that. I think we could be friends and I would be honored to accompany you, but before I go anywhere I need to know how the chain of command works here. Since my squad is dead and I am cut off from the chain of command I need to know who to report to, what my duties will be on this ship and what is our current mission so I can better prepare for it.”
Jaxx saw Phi finish with her current patient and walked up to her, saluted and said, “Ma’am seeing how you are the medical official here it is standard procedure to report in with you. I am Master Chief Jaxx of the MACO Squad. I have no current injuries. My nanos and body armor seem to be in proper working condition. I am ready for any standard test you will need to perform before I can report fit for duty.” Phi looked at Jaxx and then sized him up. Though she didn’t want to admit it she was curious to see what secrets were under his armor from both a medical and female perspective. Phi then said, “Fine. After I am done with the injured patients remove your armor for the exam.” Jaxx saluted Phi and said, "Yes Ma'am."
Then Jaxx began eating any food he could find.
Cass casually glided out of the room, leaving the others to their own devices.
Jay watched her leave for a second then headed for the door himself, leaning in to whisper to Phi as he passed her "Give him a full psych exam.." he said nodding toward Jaxx as he did so. "He's a powerhouse, but he seems to me like he's a few Blue Midgets short of a shuttle-bay...he could be a problem if he loses it..."
Jay looked over. Jaxx was tearing an entire, uncooked chicken that had been recovered from STCP HQ, to shreds with his fingers and devouring it. "Come on!" Jay exclaimed "We're short on supplies! I haven't had a curry in months and you're eating family-sized portions to yourself!"
Jaxx glanced up momentarily, chicken skin hanging from his bottom lip and a drumstick poking out from the corner of his mouth before shrugging and going back to his feast.
Jay shook his head (which still hurt like hell) and marched out of the room. Cass was still in sight up ahead, so he broke into a fast walk, catching up to her.
"Thanks.." he said humbly.
Cass turned to glance at him briefly over her shoulder, but said nothing.
"For looking out for Kitty and Max I mean...I guess...I was...wrong about you..."
"You're smegging right you were!" Cass snapped, wheeling round to face Jay, a finger pointing sternly. "Do you have any idea how much I've tried to be different from 'her'"
"Yes..." Jay replied "I...I read your letter...truth is, I've kinda been there myself. After my counterpart destroyed half the planets in known well as the earth..(until Phil and I changed the past) people didn't trust me either. People thought I was as bad as him. Thought I'd betrayed them. I....I should have been more understanding. I'm sorry."
"That's supposed to make up for it is it?"
"No." Jay replied candidly. "I owe you a lot more than an apology..."
Cass said nothing, just huffed, and folded her arms.
"Truth is, you've never steered us wrong. And honestly, I don't think we could cope without've done nothing wrong Cass...I was a jerk."
"Yes." Cass said "You were..." (though she couldn't help but bite her bottom lip as she thought about what she'd been getting up to with Jay's wife.)
"Look.." Jay said "The way you looked out for Kat and Max today...well..."
"Promise me you'll always do it?...of everyone on this ship you're the most level headed. A little combat training and you'll be a force to be reckoned with. AS much as I trust Phil, he's...special...and I won't always be around to protect them and..."
"Wait, what?"
"Nothing...just...dangers of deep space and all that...y'know."
Cass softened a bit. "So, you're not gonna flush me from an airlock?"