Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
Jay watched her leave for a second then headed for the door himself, leaning in to whisper to Phi as he passed her "Give him a full psych exam.." he said nodding toward Jaxx as he did so. "He's a powerhouse, but he seems to me like he's a few Blue Midgets short of a shuttle-bay...he could be a problem if he loses it..."
After Jay and Cass stepped out of the room and had their talk, Phi called Jaxx over for his psycho-analysis. Jacky sat by, watching.
"...Can I help you?" Phi asked him, finally.
"Erm... nevermind." Jacky responded.
Phi got to work.
"Well..." Jacky began. Phi turned around, impatiently. "Jay kind of... shattered his legs and back in front of me. They grew back. Others saw it happen later on."
"Well, yes. I've been meaning to talk to him about that. It's on a need-to-know basis." she explained.
"He could die." said Jacky.
"Of course not, he'll be fine!" Phi lied.
"I heard you talking to him when we were in the cages, Phi." Jacky said. "I didn't let him know, but I heard you."
Phi stopped, silently. She turned to Jacky, and pulled him aside to an empty corner of the medibay.
"You can't let the others know about any of this." Phi told him, sternly. "I'm hoping that the other GELFs may know the cure, but until we find out, we cannot let the rest of the crew know more than what they've already seen."
"I understand." Jacky said.
"You're scared." Phi said, pointing out the obvious.
"Very." Jacky said.
"Need any help?" Phi asked.
"I think I'd just like to be alone for a bit in my quarters, and take my mind off things." Jacky said, trying to calm his nerves.
Phi looked down at his glowing erection.
"I mean with a movie." he elaborated.
Phi raised her eyebrow.
"Not that kind of-- oh, smeg it."
Phi shot him a light smirk as he lurked silently away, stopping only to pick up a soggy copy of The Fellowship of the Ring.
*shortly after Jaxx's psychiatric profile*
"Alright Mr. Jaxx, you're free to go." Phi said, scribbling her final notes on a clipboard.
"Alright!" Jaxx said, excitedly.
"A word of advice..." Phi began. "You'd better do as Cass says and meet up with her."
"...Why?" Jaxx asked.
"Cass knows what she's doing. If she needs to see you, you'd best cooperate." Phi explained.
"...Alright." Jaxx agreed, leading himself out the door.
"Next!" Phi called, to invite a new patient into the room.
<tag: anyone. Share your short (or long) medical examination story>