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View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Efof Yuwan'Kar

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Garr Bedge

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Nathan Steele

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
Movie Night
Posted byPosted: Jan 24, 2013, 7:01am
They looked like the filthy, gore covered, ragged survivors of a zompocalypse movie. A pornographic zompocalypse movie.
She dropped her scone to the floor in astonishment, and utter, skin creeping, disgust.
Jaxx looked around to size up his fellow survivors. Jaxx looked at everyone in the room as he thought to himself, “Hmmm looks like a rag tag bunch of survivors. I doubt many of them are military much less JMC. (Looking at Phi) She looks like a medic or tech. (Looking at Cassandra) She looks like a gothic tech with an attitude. (Looking at Seymour) Looks like he is a snobby politician or noble. (Looking at White Wolf) Looks like a large pet, possibly belonging to the Captain. (Looking at Efof) Looks like he is an alien or a bad GELF experiment. (Looking at Justin) Looks like he is a sexually abused, mentally handicap kid turned into a hologram. (Looking at Plisken) Looks like he is a career private who guards the pantry. (Looking at Nathan) Looks like he is a paper pusher, probable in requisitions’. (Looking at Jacky) Looks like he is a low level lab assistant who washes the lab equipment. (Looking at Garr Bedge) Looks like he is a Simulant that was badly rebuilt. (Looking at Alex) Looks like he is a tech with a massive crush on the gothic female. (Looking at Phil) Looks like he is an officer with no shame, but he doesn’t appear to be human. (Looking at Katrina & Max) Looks like she is a soldier and the mate of the leader and that must be their kid. (Looking at Jay) And last but not least this one appears to be the leader….he looks like a flyboy with major baggage, possibly to many trips thru a black hole.”
Jay spoke up, “Phi take a look at the injured while I talk to our new………”Guests.” Phi rolled her eyes a little as she began examining the injured. Jay looked at Jaxx up and down and then asked, “Who and what are you?” Jaxx looked at his watch and said, “Holly this is Master Chief Jaxx of the MACO squad please release protocol 86, file MACO-009-086-069 to all members who are qualified to view.” Holly appeared on the watch in a large 3D hologram projected from the watch. Holly said, “Hmmmm……..well actually none of them are qualified for that file, but considering recent events I can show them the edited version.” Jaxx answered, “All right then, Holly use my omni-watch to display the file.
The holographic video feed begins with a scientist making a video record of his work. The scientist is a bit unorganized as he keeps adjusting the camera and his notes. “This is day 1 of the MACO project or (Military Altered-Human Combat Operatives). We have finally begun receiving our subjects and staff to begin our work. I am very excited about this experiment. We are going to combine elite marine soldiers with shark dna to make a replacement for the SEAL teams. They will be able to fight on land and underwater. They will also be trained as pilots so they can fight in all conditions. We have deadline for this project and a lot of work to do so I will keep you posted.” The feed ends.
Feed begins. “Week 8 we have made some major advances in the project….., but at the loss of 2 of our members who were uh…………………….eaten by the test subjects. (the scientist looks back with a sad face at the assistant mopping the blood on the floor and picking up body parts.) We will miss their contribution to the team. However we were able to create a hybrid and all we need to do now is fine tune the balance between the subject’s human mind and sharks instincts. The feed ends.
The feed begins. “Week 56 the subject is a success and we have begun growing more MACOs and should have a squad ready in a month depending on the training software the brass wants to use.” The scientist and the staff then begin to celebrate with alcohol in the background. Then the scientist ends the feed.
The feed begins “Week 75 the squad is taking longer than expected after the brass took their time deciding on the latest and greatest software to use on the MACOs. We hope to have the MACOs ready by week 90 barring no more issues.” Suddenly a semi cute lab tech comes from behind the scientist to seduce him and pulls him away from the camera. The 2 nerds go at it like awkward animals on a nearby desk by a few computers. As the two nerds roll around in lust they accidentally hit the keyboard repeatedly and the screen menu comes up for subject JAXX. After a few more hits on the keyboard the screen selects a library of video games and all are selected. Then they roll over to a different computer keyboard and the screen menu is selected. After a few more hits the “Flush Remaining Subjects” option is selected. The two nerds are unaware of the situation while in their mad love embrace. (The crew watches painfully at the video in awkward silence.) The feed ends.
Then Holly comes back on and says, “Well that’s the jist of it.” Jaxx asks, “What happened after that last feed Holly, “Well then we had the radiation leak that killed most of the crew.” Jaxx pondered his situation and then said, “Well that make sense then.” Jay asked, “What makes sense?” Jaxx answered, “I always wondered why part of my training was to build burgers and fight off giant breakfast monsters with a spatula.”
The crew stared at Jaxx blankly.