Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Efof Yuwan'Kar

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Garr Bedge

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Nathan Steele

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
Well you don't see that every day.
Posted byPosted: Jan 23, 2013, 8:05pm
“Let go of him.”
“Of course, I-”
“Now.” Katrina's voice was level and harsh. Jaxx obediently opened his arms.
Kat booted herself from a metal shelving unit to swoop Max up in her own. “It's okay, I've got you. Mummy's got you.”
“I was just trying to help!”
She eyed him suspiciously. “Well... thank you.” She moved away from him, towards Jay who was propelling himself Maxwards also.
Further inside the bay
Alex held himself to the scaffold, next to Jacky, whose unconscious body had been knocked up there during the fracas. The younger guy had woken up and was hanging onto a pole while gawping at the grisly scene below.
“It's so horrible... But is it also sexy? I'm confused...”
Alex didn't know what to say to that, so he didn't say anything.
Justin Pancake span past, wearing only Jacky's goggles and a fair amount of blood.
The two men blinked. It wasn't the sort of thing you saw every day, even on the Dwarf.
Then they saw Cass heading towards them “Smegging help me!” She was clinging to Unit One and looking very frightened. “Here...” Alex pushed himself over the edge of the scaffold and offered his arm, she tried to grab it but missed, he'd have to grab her instead. His head was fuggy and his judgement skewed so instead of grasping her as he'd intended, he clumsily hit Unit One's sleek carapace and sent the robot and its creator spinning off the other direction.
“Sorry!” He called, his voice more a croak than the yell he'd been trying for. “Sorry Cass.” But she didn't reply, she was too scared. She closed her eyes tightly for a moment hoping it would help but it made things worse. She felt a jolt and snapped them open. “Gotcha!” Rumbled a simulant voice. Across the way on the next set of scaffolding over from Alex's, Garr Bedge had firmly grasped Unit One, who twitched a little. “It's okay” Cass quickly reassured it, an attack on a crew member would be all she needed. “Thanks, Bedge.” She breathed a sigh of semi relief. At least she was more or less anchored now. “It is my pleashure, Mar- Uh, Mistress Cassh.” She gave him a little nod but it was lost amid her floating hair.
Holly's voice boomed into the large room. “There is a problem with the artificial gravity on C-Deck.”
“Gee, you don't say?” Snapped a narked White Wolf, who was gently rolling across the bay, fur appearing even fluffier than usual. He'd meant to go off to the lab but had somehow wound up getting involved in this weirdness
“It might be a bit of an ongoing problem throughout the ship for a while,” continued the computer “but I think I can patch it for now. 'Ang on, I'll 'ave you sorted in a jiffy.”
“Noo!” Yelled Phil, Justin, Plisken, Efof and Nathan who were all in what would be mid air under the effects of gravity. They each began scrabbling desperately to get to the floor.
“'Ere we go. Gravity restored in 3, 2, 1...”
Bomph! Bomph! Bomph! Bomph! Clunggg!
They hadn't quite reached the ground, until now. Four of them landed on top of Seymour, Roboshah and several other GELFs, still high enough to wind them but not do too much damage. Justin however had been higher than the others and couldn't find much purchase among the scaffolding. He'd fallen heavily, astride one of the lower poles, hard light form undamaged but nut grindingly nauseated.
Phil shook his head, stood up and casually ran a hand through his hair. “'Least we had a soft landing!”
His chair crashed to the ground, a wheel crunching his hand. He howled in agony as Roboshah fussed around him.
At the far end of the deck, the large crane landed delicately, 2cm away from its original position.
“Okay. Let's get out of here while we can.” Jay, feeling somewhat relieved now that he knew Max was truly safe, began rounding up Dwarfers, newcomers and GELFs with (what was probably temporarily) renewed vigour.
“We're gonna talk about your violent episodes, and where the hell you came from.” This was aimed at Jaxx. "We're going to find out who you are." He nodded at Nathan.
“We're going to parley with you over this mess and decide the terms of your staying on the ship until we find you a fit home, if we determine you're peaceful.” This was to the GELFs, who had the good sense to appear sheepish.
Phi was sitting in the canteen munching one of Bedge's scones and drinking tea. She felt good this morning and was humming happily. She felt privately smug that she had the canteen all to herself, the others must be busy. Good! It was always nice to have a break from their grubby mitts.
Just then the doors clunked as if about to admit someone. She sighed, the peace was too good to last of course. She wondered which of the crew it was, she hoped it would be Cass, a nice, clean, girl. Not one of the horrible dirty, greasy males.
The double doors clunked again and this time opened. Phi's jaw fell as, in what seemed like slow motion, in strode several GELFs in their true porcine form and two strangers – one of whom was massive and muscular - herded by a ragged looking Jay who had blood and gore splattered on his clothes and matted throughout his hair, Katrina who was in much the same condition and carrying Max, a pale Cassandra whose hair was almost as wild as her eyes, Seymour who was wearing only a makeshift bandage on his hand and a torn pair of cotton trousers through which shone a glowing erection (at this she gasped), Justin Pancake - who was so covered in blood it looked like his natural skin and hair were dark red - sporting Jacky's goggles and nothing else other than a shining member (Phi covered her mouth), Phil strode in next to him, also entirely naked and unashamedly luminous of penis (Phi was starting to notice a theme here). Leaning on Bedge for support, in wobbled an extremely ill looking Alex (why wasn't he in bed recovering!?) whose glowing manhood coupled with his hospital gown was creating a strange tenty effect (ack, so many penises), a disturbed looking Jacky Kong who blushed as he noticed her gawping, Efof who was glowing merrily through his hat, a semi clothed Plisken who was mumbling about being too old for this nonsense and White Wolf who looked like he'd recently received electric shock therapy. They looked like the filthy, gore covered, ragged survivors of a zompocalypse movie. A pornographic zompocalypse movie.
She dropped her scone to the floor in astonishment, and utter, skin creeping, disgust.