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Feeding Frenzy
Posted byPosted: Jan 19, 2013, 12:30am
The GELFs swarmed over the unfortunate Dwarfers like ants upon a discarded jam sandwich.
As one of them read Alex's recent thoughts and became the 20th century fashion model Cindy Crawford, he reckoned his lighthouse was about to blow a bulb.
Jaxx was not sure what to make of the dysfunctional crew he just met, much less of their situation. Jaxx looked around and asked the crew, "Do I smell bacon?" and the crew responded in unison, "YES!" Jaxx paused for a moment then asked the crew, "Are those things dangerous?" and the crew responded in unison, "YES!" Then Jaxx asked the crew, "Is it ok to kill them?" and the crew responded in unison, "YES!" Then Jaxx examined the enemy and asked the crew, "Is it ok to eat them?" and the crew paused and looked at Jaxx shockingly, then at each other and then back at Jaxxx as they answered in unison, "Sure why not........" Jaxx pulled out his bazookiod pistol and extended his claws as he said, "Those who can't fight I suggest you hide or escape to a safe place and the rest of you try not to get in my way."
Jaxx gave a hungry shark smile as he yelled "FEEDING FRENZY" as he leaped right the nearest GELF and shot it point blank in the mouth. The blast took the head clean off the GELF as plasma spewed from the neck. Then Jaxx scooped in his hand and began eating his prize with great delight. This act of horror of course made both the crew and the other GELFS stop in their tracks. Suddenly Jaxx realized he was being watched and turned to look at the on lookers with food on his face. "WHAT?" ,said Jaxx, "Was I suppose to share?"