Characters in this post

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
The time for negotiation...
Jaxx gave a hungry shark smile as he yelled "FEEDING FRENZY" as he leaped right the nearest GELF and shot it point blank in the mouth. The blast took the head clean off the GELF as plasma spewed from the neck. Then Jaxx scooped in his hand and began eating his prize with great delight. This act of horror of course made both the crew and the other GELFS stop in their tracks. Suddenly Jaxx realized he was being watched and turned to look at the on lookers with food on his face. "WHAT?" ,said Jaxx, "Was I suppose to share?"
Jacky, as well as the rest of the male crew, found this display to be revoltingly attractive. Jacky hated this. Being attracted to everything wasn't all it cracked up to be.
The GELFs stood back a moment, and were sickened by Jaxx's display.
"Horrible manbeast!" one of them cried.
Jacky felt a brush behind his back, and quickly turned around to meet a GELF in the face, once again reading his mind and morphing into his perfect sex object. This plan would have worked to lure over the brainwashed Jacky, but he fell to his knees unconscious with the sheer amount blood pressure rushing into his pelvic region. The loud "thud" caught Jaxx's attention, and he turned and shot the GELF, which reverted to its original form once more in death.
"We offered to help you. We wanted to drop you to a planet that you could live on, and we probably would have given you Phil's seed if you just asked." Jay began.
"Hey!" Phil interrupted
"But..." Jay continued, "you didn't take up our offer. Now we're giving you one final chance. We can handle things peacefully, or you can wish we handled things peacefully."
The GELFs stood quietly. The crew was silent and immobile, apart from one Justin Pancake, who tiptoed over and snatched Jacky's goggles as he slipped away, quietly.