Characters in this post

View character profile for: Davie Jones (Deceased)

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: Alfredo Gomez

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure
Tying, Trying and Sighing
Posted byPosted: May 13, 2012, 3:53pm
Cass and Legion in the corridor:
<snip>"I'll elaborate further over dinner; do come..."
"Hang on - Which 'administrative processes' are these?" Cass called, hurrying after him</snip>
<snip>The group ate fine food, drank plenty of alcohol, and chatted endlessly into the night...the group of Dwarfers had never gotten on better.</snip>
Though he enjoyed the food and, while he hated to admit it, also the company, Alex didn't participate much in the conversation. His mind was on the Cyberpark. He planned to go down there and relive some moments with his family, the kids he missed so much. He was apprehensive but couldn't miss the opportunity to see them again. Even if they were just digitally recreated figments of his memory - he'd take what he could. He'd go later tonight. [As detailed in the earlier post “Such Sweet Sorrow or Dark Sherbet”.]
<snip>Jay thrust the doors open to find Justin standing there.
“Get out you filthy pervert!” Jay shouted, and manhandled the hologram out into the corridor, slamming the door.</snip>
Jay, fuming, went back to the bed. “Sorry about that. Dirty little goit.”
Cass shivered. That was... disgusting.
He lifted a brow. “Well, he's gone now, do you fancy-”
Another fart from the wardrobe interrupted him. “What the..?” He stomped back over to find a sheepish looking Justin.
“Hi again.”
Jay was astonished. “HOW the smeg did you get back in here?”
Cass narrowed her eyes. “Legion. He's been changing parts of his programme. Smeg knows what he can do now.”
Justin was about to reply but his mouth was smashed shut by Jay's fist.
“Get out. NOW! This is a gross invasion of privacy.”
“I just want to watch. Please let me watch. I need to know if-”
Jay grabbed him by the neck and slammed him to the floor.
“Grab his arms, Cass. I'm gonna kill him.”
“Ooh! That sounds fun” Justin leered.
“No I'm gonna KILL kill you. Find a way to tear out your light bee and stamp on the smegger!”
A look of panic crossed Justin's face. He discovered that hard light holograms could sweat. At least, he could, because he was.
“Use this” Jay turned to see Cass offering her dressing gown belt. His breath caught for a moment, even during his wrath. She was stunning.
Justin used the opportunity to wriggle away, pelt out of the quarters and down the corridor...
Meanwhile, Phil is lost and investigating:
<snip>Pushing open the door he was greeted with a rather odd sight. Rows and rows of jars filled with an odd greenish liquid, which was the source of the odd smell. If that wasnt enough weirdness, then there was wires going into the jars. In the distance, the jars had small odd looking lumps within them...
… The jars were filled with dead and decaying brains.... </snip>
Cut back to a wasted Alex:
<snip>The words started to make sense.
"Get up you [indecipherable], you've been out for hours. We need you down at [indecipherable] now because [indecipherable] and it's really [indecipherable] and [indecipherable]'s gone mental. So come ON!"</snip>
As raw seaweed, the curious antidote to Dark Sherbet, was stuffed into his soapy gob, Alex sobered further. The slappy someone was Gomez.
“Get up ch'oo pendejo, ch'you've been out for houwrs. We need you down at the hangar bay NOW because the 'Bug's been blown and eet's really bad and Jay's gone mental. So come ON!”
Gomez dragged the now (fairly) sensible and horribly pale Alex from his room and down to the hangar bay. The others were assembled there, and if the murderous shouts were anything to go by, last night's high spirits had hit something of a snag.
Jay, Cass, Justin and Niples were all yelling at once, gesticulating wildly. Phi and Whitewolf were clearly trying to keep everyone calm. There was a rather noticable lack of Starbugs.
Davie was glancing around nervously, scoping for danger. As they got nearer he took in Alex's dishevelled appearance.
“You look like hell.”
“Look, the 'Bug's been blown to smithereens. Everyone's blaming everyone else and Jay keeps trying to commit holocide. He's going to succeed in a minute.”
“Ch'yes. We're having trouble holding him ba-”
“Here he goes again!” Yelled White Wolf.
Jay launched at Justin. Davie, Gomez, Wolf and Alex lurched in and grabbed him.
“What're you doing, Jay? Y'think he did this?” Alex jerked his head towards the hologram.
Struggling his way out of the three man, one hamster grasp Jay looked possessed. He grunted something. Cass translated. “That's not why he's trying to kill him.”
Alex was confused. “Right...”
Between Jay squirms he looked around. “... So where's Legion?”
Seymour brushed a crumb from his lapel. “Well quite. I have no idea why he's not bothered to turn up. He's the first one I called to the meeting. Rude, that's what it is.”
A chill passed through them, even the enraged Jay felt it and stopped struggling.
A spooked Gomez counted the assembled Dwarfers.
“Where's Legion and... where's Phil?”
The suddenly quiet team exchanged concerned glances. Apart from Justin who was rubbing his crotch, trying to see if he could orgasm yet.