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View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure
Dramatic Sound goes here
Posted byPosted: May 13, 2012, 1:17pm
Phil was lost. And Not happy.. His blood to alchoal ratio was at dangerously sober levels, he craved a
pint of something potent. Rum would be grand. Even if it did make him think he was Satan.
**a bit earlier**
When Justin left him earlier, he got a bit carried away
with the one of the all time classic holo-novels "Avengers 87 - This time it's sticky!" He just go to the bit when Scralett Johannson's clone daughter was undoing her top when the program froze and Legion's voice spoke "Dinner is now being served..please make your way to the dinning hall"
Panicing a bit(knowing WW wouuld get the best of the seats and wanting to watch Seymour try to use a boomerang spoon), Phil the wrong direction and deeper into the complex.
**end flashback**
Being lost , hungry and sober was doing wonders for Phil's concentration. He started opening doors at random as he went, trying to find some way of getting back to where he was ment to be.
Random Door #1 = What looked like a sewage plant.
No luck there, moved on.
Random Door #2 = A kitchen with a very dirty floor
Random Door #3 = A bed covered in leopard skin surround by racks and racks of very expensive suits.
This kept Phil busy for a good few hours. But he was getting more and more lost. More hungry...and more pissed off.
At the end of the corridor he spied a unmarked door. It was slighty open. The control circuits looked like they had broken. In fact..this whole section was badly maintained. Lights flickered, and there was an odd smell in the air.
Pushing open the door he was greeted with a rather odd sight. Rows and rows of jars filled with an odd greenish liquid, which was the source of the odd smell. If that wasnt enough weirdness, then there was wires going into the jars. In the distance, the jars had smallodd looking lumps within them.
Walking deeper into the room, the lumps took on a form he regonised.
It was something we was blessed with, he suspected Seymour didnt use and knew 100% Justin had lost his a while ago.
The jars were filled with dead and decaying brains....
<<dum dum dum!">>