Still Human on the Inside

Who: The Canaries and The Crew
Where: The Thorax
When: Snip.... read the damned snip
---- Snip ----
> He disengaged the rarely used safety catch on his Bazookoids and
> looked around. No huge blobs of acid flying at him. This MUST be a
> good sign.
> A few large bugs scuttled over the cargo containers scattered around
> as cover, and encircled him.
> He felt he had little choice in the matter, and blew the smeg out of
> the nearest bug. The rest of them jerked back a bit at this, before
> lunging at him.
---- End Snip ----
Amber nodded to her small section of canaries and jumped out of the
hatch with her guns blazing.
"Ssssthllerriiithhhthtthththththt ooouuuuiuiiii jthjgkerjglkj!" Amber
screamed at the Hymenopterra. Which when translated into english meant
something really rather rude. The sight of their War Commander made
them pause for a second, long enough for her comrades to blow the smeg
out of them. She wiped some of the greenish gunk off her face and
stood still. When it looked like there were no more, she ent don to
the fallen Canaries earlier.
"What are you doing Amber? come on, we have to go leave them they are
only Canaries." Chris said, the last to jump out of the Scorpian.
Amber said nothing and continued to kneel down by each of the bodies.
"For smegs sake Keats Come on!" Peter yelled, shoving the nearest
Canarie in front of him.
"I'm saying goodbye." She growled slowly "They are my friends. You
wouldn't leave Melissa would you? You wouldn't leave you family ithout
saying goodbye would you? No! Well these guys are my family, my
friends now, seen as none of you guys give a flying smeg about me!"
She paused for breath, and shaking with anger she stood up after the
last Canarie. "I am one of these cannon fodder you keep talking about.
They may be crininals, but they are people too! You can't treat us
like this, you wouldn't treat animals in this way. However law means
we have to do this for you goits so If you want a human shield then
you can use me first." Amber finished her monologue and cocked her gun
again, her flock of Canaries stood behind her, ready to defend her.
"Nice one" Her cell mate whispered to her. The rest of the crew stood
in silence for a few moments. As if it had never happened they began
to talk amongst themselves about which way the bridge was.
"I think its this way" Jay said and pointed down an exit from the
hanger they were in. Amber rolled her eyes, he may have been Emperor,
but he knew nothing about the Hymenopterra now.
"It's this way Sir." She said emphasizing the sir part. She stormed
out of the hanger and towards the bridge.

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