Hybrid/Wildcard Character Template

(For morally ambiguous figures—politicians playing both sides, defecting Supes, and black-market opportunists.)

Basic Information
• Name:
• Alias (if any):
• Age:
• Affiliation(s): (Multiple possible—e.g., “Vought Executive (secretly leaking intel to The Boys).”)
• Occupation/Role: (Double agent? Black-market Compound V dealer?)
• Appearance:

Abilities & Resources (If applicable.)
• Supe Powers (if any): (Are they a hidden Supe? A failed experiment?)
• Unique Resources: (Access to classified intel, government funding, mercenary contacts.)
• Weaknesses & Liabilities: (What could ruin or expose them?)

Background & Personality
• History: (How did they end up in this grey area?)
• Personality: (Are they self-serving, idealistic, or just pragmatic?)
• Motivations: (Wealth, survival, power, revenge?)
• Notable Relationships: (Who knows their secrets? Who trusts them? Who wants them dead?)
• Reputation/Public Perception: (Are they admired? Hated? Completely off the grid?)

Roleplay Hooks & Plot Ideas
• (Are they playing both sides? Will they be forced to pick a side as the war escalates?)

Final Notes on Character Creation
• Players must justify their abilities and weaknesses within The Boys setting.
• Canon characters require a brief backstory revision to explain what they’ve been doing post-Season 4.
• New Supes must be original—no rip-offs of established ones.
• Each character must have flaws, vices, and limits—no perfect heroes here.

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