Fairy Tail - Part 2
The fairy deftly leaped out of reach, as if a matador teasing a bull, glaring daggers at the white dog. With a wave of her hand, she toppled an Obelisk monument towards the dog. The stone pillar gave no warning before falling flat to the ground.
Dogo scrambled yipping as he faltered from an already existing injury. The heavy marble cracked and rained down in hunks pinning him down. As if that was going to stop him! He snarled and struggled his claws digging deep furrows refusing to give up.
Nikita gasped when the dog yelped, fear turning to anger. “Leave him alone!” She demanded, leaving the safe vantage point behind the tall headstone, moving between the fairy and the poor dog, as the fairy readied another blow. Nikita held a handful of coarse salt as a warning. While salt wouldn’t really do much for a fairy, it wasn’t something they were particularly fond of either.
The dog behind her was damn near feral. He was panting hard as he painfully scraped himself out front under the rubble. Limping significantly he rushed past salt girl for round two.
The fairy leaped from stone to stone, toppling each in her wake, and dared the dog to join her on top of a large box tomb with the name HORACE etched on the side. She whistled and snapped her fingers, egging him on. “C’mon puppy,”
Oh, he was hopping mad now. Dogo charged like a raging bull, pushing through the pain and exhaustion determined to take a chunk out of this fairy! He lept and wove around and over the crumbled hunks of headstones.
The fairy waved a hand, shifting one of the stones to catch the chain dragging on the ground behind the angry animal. She danced on the stone barely out of his reach, the metal collar digging into the animal's neck as he feverishly tried to attack. “Bad dog,” she said coyly, holding her arm centimeters above where he could reach. “Doesn’t the winter court teach any sort of manners? Savages.”
Nikita crept between the stones, as silently as she could, pulling with all her might to try and loosen the stuck chain, a task made even more difficult thanks to the tension of the lunging dog. “Almost,” she whispered, “Almost.”
The dog lunged and struggled snapped at the fairy, jerking and struggling with the chain holing him down.
Nikita dug out a loose rock, using it to pry the chain from where it was caught, sending her ass over tea kettle once it broke free. She crinkled her nose, the oils from her skin reacting with the chain giving off a very faint, musty but unmistakable scent.
Dogo was off like a shot and went straight for the fairy's face.
The fairy, now in a panic, zipped and zagged, looking for an exit, an escape herself, taking refuge atop a small, stone mausoleum.
Nikita ran after the injured dog, trying to grab hold of the dragging chain.
“That’s it!” the fairy yelled to the dog. “This ends once and for all!”
He was relentlessly scratching up the side of the mausoleum snarling to find purchase to climb up. Then he back and charged gaining some speed and momentum to jump up.
The fairy scowled, her eyes scouring the area, a smirk crossing her face when she saw the rebar of a soon-to-be repaired gravesite. “Bye bye you wintery son of a bitch,” she called, a wave of her hand sending the piece of metal flying towards the white dog.
Nikita caught hold of the chain, swinging it like a lasso towards the fairy, catching her in the midsection a split second too late. The rebar hit it’s mark, lodging deep in the front leg of the snarling dog.
The fairy, in contact with iron let out a scream herself, vanishing as the cemetery returned to normal. The destroyed headstones were restored, the pathway returned, but the dog lay at her feet, his breathing labored as if he actually had been impaled, though the rebar was returned to it’s rightful place.
The white dog whimpered on the ground and struggled to get back up, but whined and fell back down.
Nikita knelt down by the injured dog, gently stroking his head. “It’s okay boy,” she said softly, hoping she was right. “I’ll get you help. I’ll fix you right up, it’s okay, I won’t hurt you,” she promised. “Someone chained you up, huh? Bastards. They don’t deserve a good boy like you.” She didn’t have anything to cut the chain with, but she could worry about that back at the van. “I’m going to pick you up. No biting me, okay? I know you’re hurt, I just want to help.”
The white dog could only whine sharply and Nikita picked him up, which to her credit was impressive. He wasn’t a small dog by any stretch but with numerous other injuries by the time she had gotten the dog back to the van he was panting heavily and blood was smeared and spotted all over her shirt.
Nikita was glad the sliding door to the van was open, seeing as if she put the dog down, she doubted she could find the strength to pick him up again, but she managed to get him settled, adding blankets and pillows, anything to keep him comfortable.
“Let’s find a vet,” she told him, scrolling through her phone. “I think I passed one in town, Noah’s Ark… dammit, that may have been a preschool, don’t worry though buddy, I got you. I got you.”
The dog let out a long whine making another weak attempt to get up before letting out a defeated huff.
“Stay down,” she told him, “stay,” she closed the door to the van and climbed into the front seat. “Let’s find you help.”
Dogo let out another huff. The vet. God he hoped his brothers never found out. He shifted uncomfortably.