For the Love Of Duck Burgers

The waves crashed up against the rocks, spraying the sandy area with salt water, and Cyd moved her tablet to the other side of the blanket. The beach was everything she hoped it would be. The salty air helped to clear her head, and she loved falling asleep listening to the waves crashing. She was also taking in the scenery as best she could, not just the stunning sunrises and sets, but the boys on the beach with their board shorts and toned bodies. Mirrored sunglasses, she decided, were invented so people could gawk on the beach without being caught.

Mathias couldn’t be happier, soaking in the sun and heart like a lizard on a rock. He was more than content to fritter the afternoons away snoozing under the beach sun. Getting a tan was hard work and it had been a long while since he had a bit of color that didn’t reflect enough light to burn out retinas. On a more serious note, relaxing and recharging was also just plain nice. “So how long before your feet get itchy to start pounding the pavement to beat up goblins for their lunch money?” Mathias joked.

“It’s not like they’re going to beat themselves up,” she scoffed, idly glancing at her tablet, set beside her on the beach blanket. She promised no screen time, but the withdrawal symptoms, the fear of missing an important message was making her brain itch. Sometimes - not often - but sometimes she admired Mathias for his aversion to electronics, even if it wasn’t by choice. “But, I gave my word. I haven’t checked for anything from Bela, and I haven’t even read the news. I hope the East Coast is still there. Or that a big asteroid isn’t hurling towards the earth.”

“Uh huh.” Mathias said skeptically, lowering his sunglasses. “You don't see me glancing at the latest news. Newspapers only come once a day.” He joked. “At least it'll be quick if it's an asteroid. Death by Asteroid Apocalypse. Can't think of a better way to go … I take it back, I think I can.” Mathias smirked. “Would it make you feel better if I was studying from my grimoire?” He offered.

“No, we’re on vacation,” Cyd asserted. No magic. No wards, no drawing Sigils in the sand. Until we head back to the trailer, we’ve never heard of hexes.” Cyd’s cell phone vibrated next to her. She resisted the urge to look. “We think magic is about rabbits and hats.” Her cell buzzed again, and her nerves itched to check it. “Just two siblings who had a normal childhood, hanging out on the,” her cell buzzed with another message, “sandy place with the ocean waves,” she finished.

“I love how you said normal childhood with a straight face.” Mathias chortled. “Go on … there's not going to stop being annoying until you pick up. Just warn them on my behalf they are interrupting important R and R time.” He said with a lazy dismissive wave.

Cyd grabbed the phone before he’d finished speaking. “Hi Bela,” she said, moving away from Mathias so the call wouldn’t drop.

Mathias groaned hearing the name he had hoped it was someone else. “Why Bela?” He complained, he knew now they were going to get wrapped up in a job now.

Cyd returned after not too long, looking uncertain, to say the least. She gave a sympathetic glance to Mathias.

“Oh I know that look.” Mathias said, taking off his sunglasses and sitting up.”Well go on then. Spill.”

“On the plus side, we’re not far from La Jolla,” She asked tentatively. “And you love sea lions.”

“I do love sea lions.” Mathias admitted looking over his sunglasses. “So other than sea lions, what else is in La Jolla?”

“Eighteen year old kid got killed there last night,” Cyd reported, “Attacked by something, and they found his body near the rocks.”

“I mean … if it was by the rocks was it really our kind of thing? Maybe they were trying to pet Sea Lions and Darwinism went into full swing?” Mathias suggested lamely.

“According to Bela. Sea Lions would’ve at least taken some muscle with ‘em, she thinks it’s our kinda thing.”

“What if they had used knives and forks?” Mathias suggested with a chuckle at the absurdity.

“She thinks it’s our kind of thing,” Cyd continued, ignoring her brother’s dark humor, “because they found this.” She held her phone out for him to take a look, where there was a red sigil, slightly smudged, on a what was a white shirt. It was torn to shreds, except for the symbol.

“Well shit. You could have led with esoteric symbols of power scrawled recklessly … and badly … on a shirt.” Mathias said looking over his sunglasses.

“I could have, but I chose not to,” Cyd mocked. “It gets weirder, the same symbol was etched into his chest at the scene. I told her we were on vacation, that I’d have to clear it with you first, but I figured once you saw what we were dealing with, you’d give a disappointed sigh, furrow your brow and we’d agree to go.”

Mathias gave her a level look. “You already told her we're on the way, haven't you?”

“You do love Sea Lions,” Cyd said, circling back to that.

Mathias let an over exaggerated overly dramatic loud sigh. “I want a burrito.” He grumbled standing and shaking out of his shoes.

“All the burritos,” Cyd offered. “Any idea of what the symbol is?”

“What the interwebs haven't told you already.” Mathias teased. “No, I dont have some bizarre photographic memory, which is not a real thing by the way. Looks like it might be Akkadien? Maybe Assyrian? I mean they both start with ‘A’ …” he shrugged, shaking out his beach towel.

“So we go to LaJolla, poke around some, maybe talk to the kids this guy was with that night, see if they’re into anything that falls into our category?” Cyd asked.

“Like I said … I want a burrito.” Mathias said folding the towel and ticking his head. “And I guess save some lives. If we gotta.” He said with a lopsided smirk.

“You drive, I want to look at the interwebs,” she chuckled. “See if I can find out what that symbol is, and yes, I did already tell Bela that we were on the way.”

“I knew it!” Mathias said in an accusatory tone, spinning the keys around on a finger.

“I’m nothing if not predictable,” Cyd admitted, gathering up her things.

“I pick the music.” Mathias declared as he trudged through the sand, heading to the truck.

“You pick the music. And after this job…” Cyd promised as she loaded her things in the back. “We’ll take a few days off. Promise.”

“Yea but will we?” Mathias asked, scrunching his nose. “I feel like when you say a few days off that’s Cyd talk for a few days of driving to the next magical mystery. Technically that is a few days off.”

“We’ll go north for Duckburgers,” she tempted.

“And using my love of Duck burgers against me. Have you no shame. I mean I'm not saying no but still …” Mathias laughed, sliding into the driver's seat.

“No shame at all,” she laughed, settling in for the ride.

< Prev : And so it begins