On The Road Again

With her breakfast finished, Cyd started to prep the camper for travel. Like the clock, the Airstream had been a gift from Bela, their benefactor of sorts. The trailer not only gave them a sense of home, it left less of a paper trail than seedy motels making it more of an economical investment and it fit their nomadic occupation.

Cyd put the mug on a dish drying rack they kept in the cupboard, which prevented plates, glasses, and other breakables from sliding around. Outside they’d take down the awnings and stow the propane and water tanks which thanks to a few spells by Mathias were continuously full.

By now this has become a routine and both worked with quiet repetition. Their lives, since they were kids, had been perpetually nomadic. Technically speaking the airstream was really there first … well maybe not their first but definitely the safest home they ever had.

Mathias yawned again as he locked the door and walked to the truck, which Cyd had just finished hitching. “You want the first shift behind the wheel?”

“I would be our early bird,” Cyd laughed. “I got first shift. You want to ride in the trailer, I’ll make sure we’re not pulled over, and I’ll probably most likely go easy on turns. Maybe.”

“Tempting … very tempting … but ‘I Spy’ is not the same without you.” Mathias paused mid-step. “Or is this subtle hint that you wanna play the music really loud and won’t tolerate me falling asleep next to you?”

“And miss the opportunity to draw on you with marker? Never.” She ticked her head for him to follow, twirling the pickup’s keys around her index finger. Like her wrists, the key chain was full of charms and what to the untrained eye looked like tchotchkes, but everything was meant for their protection, as well as the protection of the truck engine. Mathias and electronics were oil and water, she mused.

“You can't draw and drive …” Mathias snorted, giving his twin a suspicious look as he trailed behind her and climbed into the passenger seat.

“Don’t tell me what I can do,” Cyd said, giving her brother a playful shove.

Mathias laughed as he settled in kicking the seat back so he could stretch out comfortably for the long ride. “Fine but now I’m hiding all the markers!”

< Prev : Technologically Questionable Next > : And so it begins