OOC - Setting Information

The Amity Systems as a Whole

Governance and Economics
The systems are governed by the timocratic Council of Amity. The council makes overarching decisions for every member system. The council is made up of one representative from each High House (whose individual votes are worth thirteen electoral votes), one representative from each system's military as well as one from the intersystem military (whose votes are worth six electoral votes), votes from one member of the landed gentry each planet of each system (whose votes are worth three electoral votes), and one commoner from each occupied planet of each system (whose votes are worth one electoral vote). In total, there are 13 representatives of the High Houses, 14 representatives of the military, 65 representatives of the gentry, and 65 representatives of the commoners; that makes for 338 High House electoral votes, 84 military electoral votes, 195 gentry electoral votes, and 65 commoner electoral votes. Each member schmoozes up to and/or backstabs any other member of the council in order to secure votes for their cause. The commoners are mostly overlooked, as they don't have many votes at all (though their discontent with the lack of proper representation is growing, and there may soon be a problem on the hands of the ruling class).

Economically, the systems use an intersystem, interplanetary currency called kcals--and they're exactly what you might think. Quantified energy serves as the currency of the system, although bartering and trading does take place, energy is the "gold" standard of the new age. Planets capable of harvesting energy rich resources are either very rich--or very exploited. Systems around energetic stars are the same, as Dyson spheres, once theoretical, have been invented in this far-flung future.

The systems have a standing army and interplanetary police force, the Peace Corps. Although, while they are supposedly well trained and well educated, abuses tend to happen, especially to the commoners. The Peace Corps fights using armored mechs, laser weaponry (personal and vehicular), and spacecraft.

There is an intersystem prison at the center of the Amity Systems where the worst criminals are held. Political prisoners are also held there, and enemies of the High Houses.

Social and Economic Classes
Social class and economic class are deeply entwined here. The High Houses rule at the top, and officers in the military enforce their orders and rule as governors beneath them. Only, you have to pay for officer school, and no commoner (and barely any gentry) can afford that, so it mostly stays in military and High House families. The gentry are next and qualify as anyone owning their own land and with their own workers. Finally, there are the commoners, the poorest of the poor who own nothing and toil away for the chance to have a decent life.

Technology Level
Think generic sci-fi. There are mechs, there is FTL travel (though none yet dare to travel outside of the Amity Systems with it but for a brave few), there are star fighters and laser rifles. The SysNet links all of the planets, and allows them to share information (from shitposts to classified data). There is also genetic modification and cybernetic modification.

The secret to genetic modification, along with many of the secrets of humanity's golden age, were lost in the Invasion. However, remnants of it exist in the populace. The gifts of the High Houses (and an extremely small amount of the military families, gentry families, and commoner families who bear descent from the High Houses who also bear their ancestors gifts), the trend for some military families to remain at peak physical condition for all of their lives, and the traits of some commoners and gentry that belie their ancestors pasts as workers in harsh and inhuman environments (such as shrunken gills and webbed digits, wings and hollow bones, rocky and heat resistant skin). In the case of a member of a High House or military family showing such traits, it is seen as a boon. For lower classes it is an aberration. Actually, if members of the High Houses or the military were found to have aberrant commoner traits they too might be imprisoned or killed.

As for cybernetic modification, many people who can afford to (or who have gone into debt), have had cosmetic surgery or functional surgery. Sometimes for better eyesight, sometimes for a multitool hand, sometimes you just want green hair you never have to re-dye.

If you have enough money, or are one of the rare few who can attain a scholarship, you might be able to get a good education. Truebright Military Academy, located on an exoplanet of the binary system Sa'd and Suud (not one of the Amity systems technically, but close enough to claim it as a neutral spot), is where the Peace Corps is trained, for one example of a place of learning. Another would be in the same system, in the Hearthfort on the Rivas moon--the Hearthfort is probably the best academic university in the (technical bounds of) the Amity System, and prides its self on scholarly integrity and political neutrality.

Systems and Planets
The following are the star systems under the Amicrest, aka the Amity Systems, and each of their populated planets, exoplanets, planetary orbital masses, etc. A * indicates the capitol planet. Each system is named for its star.

+Deneb: Lukaros*, Lukaros Segunda, Chleon, Elohim, Archus, Desidus, Pemeiter, Denebos, Denebos Segunda,

+Dabih: Vulces*, Kelan, Zanides, Dabices, Gavri

+Algunda: Algunda Prime*, Algunda Minor, Alsundor

+Nashi: Ira*, Laibo, Peclite, Igre

+Yan: Marakk*, Yama, Tsuna, Fash

+Qin: Dorsum*, Thenahiri, Strade, Uatera

+Baten: Algiedi*, Psyche, Fenris

+Yue: Pazhan*, Tenriuq, Helas, Ophious, Caphri

+Alprima: Ealdor*, Seph, Fornar

+Dai: Tae*, Dagawa, Degawa, Tai, Enkore

+Kastra: Casmin*, Casminus, Kaunerth, Kasha, Caesia, Kemetura, Canides, Cethea, Crethinides

+Tsin: Alsha*, Tsinex, Alshira, Dater

+Bos: Armus*, Drodrianov, Sonoa, Rehines, Aphoagantu, Eleon, Elyon

Each system, planet, and planetary sector has its own aspects of culture. On the larger scale, cultural and religious tolerance is practiced. This is primarily because in a large empire it is better to have the citizens squabble over those things rather than unite as one culture, religion, or both, and rise against you, rather than any promotion of diversity. Though, each planet and system does have a culture somewhat inspired by their ruling House, and a rivalry with other planets because of this.

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