Hello Harvester, I am glad to see you returning to this game.
There are a lot of things that I don’t understand about this setting. The last time I tried to participate in a fantasy title like this, my method of handling this lack of understanding was to bombard the moderator with dozens of questions. This strategy seemed to disrupt the momentum of the game in a way that was very bad for the game, so although I don’t think my intentions were bad, my execution ended up being very much so. Instead, I am just going to list out my assumptions about the setting that I will be operating off of in my first post, and if these assumptions are incorrect, I would like you to correct me as soon as possible.
1st Assumption: The Kingdom of Assyria exists largely in the territories of the modern states of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Kaliningrad Oblast, and the historical Western Slavs and Magyars that inhabited that territory in 900 C.E. have been replaced mostly or entirely by ethnic European Assyrians.
2nd Assumption: This setting largely emulates our understanding of human history up to 900 C.E. Consequently, the state of the states that border the Kingdom of Assyria is a fairly straight reflection of the leaders and peoples that inhabited those places. As such the Holy Roman Empire that you refer to is the place historians refer to as East Francia under the reign of of the six or seven year old Louis the IV borders the Kingdom of Assyria to the west, the Kingdom of Bulgaria under the Christian Knyaz Simeon borders the Kingdom of Assyria to the south, the Kievan Rus under Oleg the Wise borders Assyria to the east, and the Baltic Sea makes up the northern border of Assyria. I found a map of Europe in 900 C.E. I am reimagining our map to have Assyria taking up most of the places between East Francia, Bulgaria, the Kievan Rus, and the Baltic. Map link: https://imgur.com/ywV6P50
3rd Assumption: Elves, dwarfs, orc, vampires, and magic exist and are believed in, but are otherwise not very well known nor are universally accepted by the majority human population. Christian authorities are opposed to magic and magical beings, and even pagan authorities are likely opposed to certain magical races and magical practices.
4th Assumption: Most authorities within the Kingdom of Assyria want their citizens to be Gaian pagans, but they tolerate foreign traders within designated areas and they allow those foreigners to worship their god(s) in those designated areas and have places of worship within those designated areas.