I Demand Answers

The three of them departed the Pernach and boarded the Cretan's ship. Nero shuffled his wrists, the cuffs rattled loudly. "Quit that," Merin instructed. A Cretan security guard met them in the docking tunnel. "This is him, this is Nero," she said.

"Lagoras is waiting," the guard said. He pulled a lever and a sliding door opened up, inside the ship's cabin a smug Lagoras sat on a makeshift throne. The guard nodded to Lagoras and went back into the docking tunnel.

Lagoras stood up and opened his arms. "All three of you, safe and sound, now that's what I like to see. Nero, it's good to see you again." Nero looked at the Cretan confused, he still didn't recognize this Lagoras. This whole thing was a mystery to him. "I was starting to think you'd never get out," Lagoras hissed.

"Who is he Lagoras?"

"Designation: Nero," the Cretan replied mysteriously.

"He thinks he was inside there for stealing fruit..."

"That's what they have been telling him. My man inside said he was having regular courses of memory altering injections, painful stuff. They're trying to hide who he is." Lagoras began to examine Nero, he grabbed the top of his head and parted his white hair to the side. There it was an injection scar right in the upper half of the man's skull. "Right there, that's where it goes in."

Nero pushed himself back from the Cretan's scaly hands. "That kind of science belongs in fantasy, there's no such thing as memory altering injections." He could feel the scar now, he had never thought about it before.

"It's very real Nero. Erishum's top scientists have been developing it for years. Very secretive stuff, not fantasy." Lagoras returned to his throne, with a swing of his longest finger another of his security forces came forth and started to pick Nero's cuffs.

"So am I going to learn who he really is?"

"I don't remember that being part of your assignment Merin. All you had to do was get in that prison, pick him up and bring him back here. From my perspective your work is all done," he explained.


"But nothing, you and Tiye are free to go. Back to your ordinary lives, back to smuggling."

"I want answers Lagoras," Merin said angrily. The Cretan sighed, he knew Merin was hard to budge. She wasn't an ordinary human girl.

"Nero..." he stopped, he didn't know if it was wise to continue. "Nero is the weapon that could save the galaxy."

To Be Continued...

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