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View character profile for: Talerian Maxx aka Dead Eye

View character profile for: Aello Maxx

View character profile for: BOB
Posted byPosted: Sep 8, 2024, 9:55am
Planet Krillin:
After running his new data into the computer he found the coordinates to his next destination and programmed his route. Then he drank some water before he blasted off to his next target. However he didn't get to far when he saw something on his radar screen. It was huge and in the middle of the dessert. So Talerian Maxx adjusted his scans to get a better reading and it showed promising results. As he got closer he saw it was a crashed Star Cruiser and it seemed to be long forgotten. A small smirk appeared on his face as he found some extra income for his mission to find his sister.
After landing his ship on a sturdy plateau, he pulled out his sniper rifle and scanned the area with his scope. After confirming the area was not dangerous he flew to the crashed Star Cruiser and eventually found an opening to enter. He found skeletons of the dead crew and broken robots all around. It seemed the power cells from the ship were not operating from either being dead or offline. He eventually made his way to the command center and popped open the main computer. Then he pulled out the memory cards, memory discs and any other valuable parts he could hock. from there found the captain's quarters and looted what he found valuable. Among his loot were computer parts, credits, jewelry and tools which he could use or sell.
Then as he was making his way to the engine room he almost tripped on some robot parts. Among the broken robots was on in decent shape and when Talerian examined it he saw it could be fixed with just a few parts. He figured he could have it repurposed to a maintenance robot for his ship to help him on his mission. So he put the robot on his loot bag and began collecting similar robots for parts as well as some more tools.
Sadly before he could continue the ship began to shake a bit and Talerian had to catch himself from falling. He didn't like the feeling he was getting and quickly made his way to the nearest exit. The shaking continued as he got closer to the exit and he desperately popped the hatch open to leap out and spread his wings before the shaking got louder till the sound of screeching metal and a deep howl could be heard behind him. Once he was high enough he looked back to see a large sandworm trying to feed on the broken Star Cruiser only to loose interest and burrow deep into the sand again.
Talerian was relieved he managed to dodge that disaster and still score some loot at the same time. So he continued to fly back to his ship and loaded his gear before heading out. He decided to take a detour to an old business partner he dealt with in the past. A shady salvage technician who had a repair business on the side of illegal salvage. Talerian then landed and carried his loot to Needles the shady tech.
At first it was a bit awkward but after they negotiated their deal and the location of the crashed Star Cruiser, things went easier for Talerian as he sold the computer parts and some tools in exchange for credits, fuel, and the repair of the robot he salvaged. While Needles got to work using his many tentacles to work on the robot, Talerian sat in the break room to eat a meal. He ate dried meat, vegetables and fruits before washing them down with vitamin water. He had to eat like that while working since he needed his food to last him. A few hours later on Needles was done and Talerian met his new maintenance robot named B.O.B.
B.O.B., short for Bio-Sanitation Battalion. B.O.B. was the last one of his type to be still aboard a star cruiser to survive the crash. Over the years before the crash, he had been abused and bullied by the other robots such as S.T.A.R., calling him a "freak." He suffered a lot of severe damage from being beaten up a lot. Eventually the star cruiser he was on crashed on a planet and he was the only survivor till he ran out of power. Talerian listened to B.O.B. tell his tale and how grateful he was to be of service again. Talerian told B.O.B. his mission to save his sister and that B.O.B. was now in charge of the ship's maintenance from now on. B.O.B. happily agreed all to quickly and began to scan the Hawkship and found it was in dire need to maintenance on some areas. Talerian agreed to let B.O.B. repair the ship as Needles was calling in for his salvage team to salvage the crashed Star Cruiser on Krillin.
Once B.O.B. finished the repairs Talerian and B.O.B. left needles shop and headed back to his next lead on his missing sister. It was then that B.O.B. saw the picture of Talerian's sister named Aello Maxx. B.O.B. also recorded the trail that Talerian had been following to find his sister to aid Talerian on his mission. B.O.B. was still timid but loyal to Talerian now and he found Talerian to be tough but kind unlike his comrades in the past. B.O.B. hoped find the missing sister would make Talerian smile in the future.