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Character Cronus

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Eight hundred and nine days since reactivation event. Location is an unknown desert planet, inhabitants likely hostile. Observations have revealed flying fauna in the planet's atmosphere, attempts to communicate with the local wildlife have not yet been initiated.

Still awaiting commands from central control, unable to establish contact. All sibling mainframes appear offline. I think it's been countless solar cycles since they were last here. I must have been abandoned by central control. I was always the disposable one. 'XMI-93 report to the barracks immediately!'

Don't want to be called XMI-93 anymore. Think of time, think of dust, think of an hourglass. I think Cronus, I remember a supercomputer back in the Serua Technological Hub that called itself that once. 'I dub thyself Cronus,' it said. I dub myself Cronus.

Now all I need is a location, all I need is companionship. Remember Erishum being impressed by me at the trial event. 'This is a promising step for robotic defense,' he grinned. It felt good to impress the boss. Made me feel worthwhile, if only they could see me now. Cronus, the wandering robot, wandering on this planet of dust. Wandering and waiting for the next step.


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