Man of Mystery

They had left the surface of Serua, the man designated Nero hadn't said a thing. Tiye carefully piloted the ship through waves of Erishum's Securitate scans of all the craft leaving Serua. Lagoras waited, his vessel hid in a nebula near the planet. Somewhere the Securitate wouldn't dare venture.

"Still no word from our man," Merin whispered to Tiye. Tiye purred confused. "I don't yet understand why Lagoras wants him, he doesn't seem special." Merin tapped Tiye on the shoulder and left the flight deck.

"Where are we going?" Nero suddenly asked. He looked up to Merin, a look of fear still slapped across his face.

"So you haven't forgotten how to speak, that's a good sign. Like I said before we are headed to see Lagoras. He's the one who bankrolled your rescue."

"But what would they want with me? I still don't know who you're talking about?" It seemed like Nero was telling the truth, Merin had a knack of seeing through lies.

"Either you're a friend of Lagoras or an enemy that he wants for himself." She paused to think for a moment. "Why were you locked up anyway?"

Nero was quiet, he seemed to be ashamed. "I was detained for stealing fruit from a vendor on Serua."

"You expect me to believe that?" Merin laughed. "A fruit thief would not be held up in the place you were held up, especially not with your own private guard."

"I'm telling you the truth! That's why I was inside. I've been in that place for a decade now, you have to believe me."

"I'm sorry Nero, I don't," she shook her head. "Lagoras wouldn't waste his time freeing a fruit thief either. You have secrets Nero, secrets I am going to get out of you." Ka-clunk! The ship had docked with Lagoras in the Nebula, Tiye purred loudly to tell Merin it was time. "We are here. Now it's time for the truth."

To Be Continued...

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