Dense Men

"I was cleaning one of the high places when the ship suddenly launched. I wasn't prepared for a takeoff like that. Plus these boots aren't exactly the most stable." She kicked up one of her legs showing off her boots, which she was extremely fond of. She would never say it out loud but if something had to break she was glad it was her arm and not the heel of her boots.

Talerian looked at the doctors legs and her boots. He wondered why she would wear those kind of boots on a ship. They were hardly practical to walk in and they looked a bit painful to wear. Back home everyone wore sandals since it made landing easier. Since he had a bit of a lone wolf personality, even in the military he was not much of a ladies man. When the other hawkmen went to pick up hawkwomen at the taverns, Talerian went home to be with his family when he could and if he could not he would train and clean his weapons. He then said, "Ummm. I am sure you have your preferences but these boots don't look safe to wear in this ship, especially with a reckless pilot at the helm. You already injured your arm so, perhaps you should rest up while B.O.B. and I clean up this place. It would rather bad for all of us if the doctor is unable to work due to an injury."

Then Talerian looked to see B.O.B. was making a lot of progress cleaning the higher parts of the room. So Talerian then began sweeping the remaining trash into a pile, before he swept it into a dust pan and emptied into a garbage pail. It was obvious that Talerian was used to chores by his movements and muscles. Of course anyone who who had been on a military base knew that chores were part of the soldier's training. So as Talerian was cleaning up he failed to notice the doctor's charms since he was dense to that topic.


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