The Secrets of Two

High Palace of the Dynasty

There he sat in his private quarters. The ruler, the conqueror, the tyrant—Erishum. He held his hand in front of his face and observed an ancient ring upon his middle finger. The ring had been passed down through the dynasty for generations. Whoever possesses it will lead the Seruan people to their destiny. A nasal voice came through a speaker mounted above him, the voice of his assistant: “Mighty Erishum, a member of the Securitate is here to speak with you. Shall I grant entry?

“What’s their name?”

He could hear the rustle of documents being raised to the communicator. “The name is Chaldea-Oraha.

“Let her in,” Erishum smiled. He watched the grand golden doors of the private quarters swing open. A female Seruan entered quietly, dressed in the official attire of high-ranking Securitate officials. She approached Erishum, bowing on one knee a meter before him. “Officer C’Oraha, a pleasure to see you again. You may come forward.”

Chaldea-Oraha walked closer towards him. “Mighty Erishum, I came here today to deliver a report from the Securitate.” She pulled a spherical device from her pocket; activating it revealed a projection of data. “One of the individuals involved with our genetic experimentation project, Athos, has escaped from the Harran Facility.” Chaldea spoke whilst looking down to the floor.

“Look up, girl, there’s no need for official practices; we are alone here.”

“Apologies Mighty-”

“No, no. That includes the titles,” Erishum said, stopping her. “Which one is gone from the facility? I am aware of them all.”

“Designation: Nero.”

Erishum brushed his chin; he remembered that name. A chimeric blend of Seruan, human, and ancient DNA, a perfect specimen. “That one, he should never have gotten out. How did he do it?”

“The Securitate is still gathering the data on that, Erishum. We have failed you; I am sorry.” Chaldea took a few steps back from the ruler, afraid of how he might react. But he was silent and still.

“Come forward,” he commanded after a moment of silence. With each step, he summoned her closer with a wave of his hand until she could not go any further. He ran the back of his hand down her cheek. “You make sure the Securitate locates him, is that understood?”

Chaldea-Oraha nodded. He continued to run his hand against her; this was not the first time the two had shared such a moment. Erishum and Chaldea shared a strange connection with each other; it wasn’t quite romance, nor was it unwanted. “Will anyone ever know of this, Erishum?”

The ruler shook his head. “Nobody will ever know C’Oraha. Some secrets will never escape these walls, including ours. Even my closest confidants are not aware of this connection of ours. It is for us only.”

“But what if I want it to go further?” she asked. “What if I wish this to be official? What if I don’t want it to stay a secret?”

“It is not fit for a man of the dynasty to be seen with an officer of the Securitate.” He was blunt; Chaldea hated it whenever he was blunt.

“I can leave the Securitate.”

“You’re too valuable to the Securitate to leave it behind. No, C’Oraha, you will stay. You will stay until this man is found. Is that clear?”

“It is,” she looked down again. One day she’d crack him, she thought, and one day he would change his mind. Now there was another man on her mind, this Nero; the manhunt was on. She moved away from Erishum and turned around silently, walking towards the massive doors. The secrets were all left behind.

To Be Continued...

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