
With the fire ready, Stella dug through her bag and pulled out some thin metal wires that had possibly once been hangers back before the Cataclysm. Stabbing pieces of the raccoon meat onto it, she nodded toward Nataya in thanks and began to cook, careful not to let her fingers get burnt. "Stab coon..." She explained and held up her bone knife.

At this point, as she was cooking the animal, the mutation of it was very obvious. Two heads were not easily missed when it came to most creatures, after all.

When she'd gotten the skulls out of those heads, she'd made sure to turn them away because their hollowed out eye sockets made her uncomfortable. Why this was had a lot to do with her father and his teachings to her.

"Must...thanks to coon...animals...for food." She wasn't sure if her meaning was coming off correctly. In her life her father had told her to always give thanks to the animals because their death meant she got to live for another day.

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