Image of Lydia

Summary: Hardened heart, focused mind


Gender: Female

Age: 16

Group: Human

Tribe or Alone? Rank in tribe?

Has a traveling partner

Job/Most valued Skill

Medical knowledge/trap making

Physical Appearance (Include physical mutations if you want! Purely appearance)

Long brown hair, usually kept in braids
golden eyes
olive skin with dark freckles
button nose
5' 6"

Personality/Other skills

Lydia has a hardened heart and a focused mind. The only thing she cares about in life is her sister, Kyra. She wants to eventually find a forest or thick woods to settle down in and live out the rest of her life in peace.


See Kyra's history

This character is owned by:

Character questions

Recent Activity

Image of Lydia
Mentioned in the post The Joys Of Burnt Food Sep 14, 2024, 3:12pm
Mentioned in the post Day In, Day Out, Discount Sep 12, 2024, 4:11pm
Mentioned in the post