That was the plan

"I wish I could say it was intentional, but I need some time to get used to this new lifestyle that I have chosen." Kailus remarks with a wry smile.

He sighs and sips some water from his waterskin, "Do we leave immediately the others wake, or do we have time to boil some herbs into a drink?"
"There is already water on the fire friend Elf. I was unaware you were new to this lifestyle." The Old Man grumbled.
He walked over to his pack, reached into a pocket and
Removed a stick of jerky and tossed it to the Elf.
"This will give you some git up and go" Clemm said with a straight face.
"We leave in a quarter hour Kailus" he huffed as he lifted his pack, grabbed his
Staff and headed out to scout ahead.

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