The Darkness Continues

Tain's watch was uneventful except for the continued call of the Wolves in the distance. After about two and a half hours he woke Borri and explained the situation. Tain and Borri shared a pipe on the outskirts of camp. A few minutes later the Dwarf set off for a few hours of sleep before morning.
Borri sat finishing his pipe and walked towards a big pine on the northeast edge of the campsite. It was here that he heard the first howls , sending a chill down the Halflings back. He had been out here before and seen a big Gray. Fortunately it had not seen him, though he was sure it had gotten his scent. Luckily it was daylight and Borri quietly extracted himself from the area.
He hoped that this was another time he would avoid the four legged
He took a deep breath, kept his hand on his short sword and quietly walk off
Hoping his shift passed quickly.....

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