First Watch

Kailus had the fire crackling in no time at all.
The Dwarf and the Halfling had a big pile of wood
Stacked neatly near the fire pit.
Clemm returned just before dark looking
Content with his handiwork.
The group decided that the Elf would take first
Watch since he needed the least rest, followed by Tain ,
Borri and lastly Clemm.
They all discussed tomorrow's plan while eating their
Trail rations . Darkness soon encompassed them, and one by one they unrolled their bedrolls ,encircled the fire and drifted off to sleep.
Borri was the Last to drift off, before he did he spoke to the Elf in a
low voice" Kailus, you carried yourself well today, it was a good start."
Borri rolled over and a few minutes later the Elf was the
Only one awake.

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